Losing a loved one is horrific and tragic— but losing your soul mate can be earth-shattering.
According to the United States Census Bureau, over 974,598 American women were widowed in 2009 alone. Most of these cases were to be expected, however, with 66% of those widowed females being over 65 years old; one can easily assume that their partners were older, as well.
This was not the case for Amanda Snyder, a young mother whose husband passed away while she was expecting their first child.

According to NTD.tv, Amanda’s husband, Jesse Wayne Snyder, was unexpectedly killed when the tree he was cutting fell on him. As stated, Amanda was pregnant at the time.
Having planned a maternity shoot, but still understandably feeling heartbroken from the events, Amanda decided that commemorating her husband would be a way to help her cope with the loss.
Shanna Logan Photography helped Amanda in her endeavor, creating a chillingly beautiful set of photos starring the couple themselves.

The talented photographer superimposed semi-transparent images of Justin onto the photos.

And the results, in light of Amanda’s tragedy, are absolutely stunning.

During the shoot, Amanda revealed to the photographer that she knows Justin is still around her, even giving her some pretty obvious signs.
The photographer recounts Amanda’s story on their Facebook page, writing, “There was a storm, and there was a power outage. The power luckily reset itself, and in the middle of the night, while she was walking down the hall, a license plate decoration in the hallway fell. It said ‘whatever it takes’.”
She continues, “[Amanda] uses that strength to know, that whatever it takes, she is going to make it through this and he is there with her and [baby] Jameson every day.”

In an update, the photographer writes, “This is an amazing service that we as photographers are able to do for clients going through such pain, in a way we can support each other in some way in a time of loss.”
The photographer goes on to explain that while she has seen these types of photos before, actually shooting them is “heartbreaking”.
Despite the tragic circumstances, people are in love with the set, writing comments such as the following:
After the pictures were initially posted, Shanna Logan Photography took to their Facebook page to update their followers regarding Amanda and the baby.
The photographer writes, “I called to check on her on Wednesday at 6:36pm- and she delivered at 6:37pm! You can guess she didn’t pick up the phone lol”
She continues, “I am happy to announce that little William Jameson Snyder was born on 8/2/2017. He is a little miracle, and a gift, and dad would be so so proud.”

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