Marion Williams had grown bored with her style. She realized she has spent most of 2020 in a baseball cap and sweats. She wants to blame it on the pandemic but knows she would have dressed like that even without the shutdowns. She admits she just is feeling tired, so she was dressing how she felt.
Marion was ready for a change and knew the exact person to give her a much needed make over, The Makeover Guy.

Christopher Hopkins is commonly referred to as The Makeover Guy. He has been giving gorgeous makeovers for decades. He has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and other television programs to create amazing makeover results. He know works from the studio he created in his home state of Minnesota. Hopkins is in such high demand that people come from all over the United States for makeovers.

To make an appointment, clients must make their reservations almost a year in advance. Marion and others will tell you, it is 100% worth the wait.

Marion is 57 years old and has not felt good about her style since she was in her thirties. That is a long time to not feel great about yourself.
“…thirty-five to forty. I was busy. I was moving, and I could grab something from the closet, and it looked good, and I felt good, and I could just go. Now I’m just feeling tired … It’s a good excuse to wear the, you know, the slouchy clothes and the baseball cap … I want to be more sexy, that’s it,” Marion states.

Marion was mainly over the look of her hair. It was not just one issue she was having with her hair, she felt her hair had every problem. It was too flat, too curly, wrong color, and even too fuzzy. Yes, too flat and too fuzzy all at the same time.
Marion is the living example that you are your own worst critic and is way too hard about her “before” look.

Marion made her way from Georgia to Minneapolis, Minnesota just to receive a makeover from The Makeover Guy’s studio. Marion brought her husband along for the adventure. They are celebrating their 26th wedding anniversary this year and he still looks at her with such deep love. He did not thinks he looked tired or boring at all. He just wanted her to be happy.
Marion’s husband might have to win husband of the year for his amazing response to her makeover.

Marion’s husband walked into Marion’s reveal and happily told her,
“He improved on perfection! Beautiful! It helps when you got something to work with, don’t it? I love it … I love you … I told you that a flat top would have been fine with me as long as you’re happy.”

While Marion’s husband would have loved any style she revealed to him, but Marion was going to be a tougher critic to please. The Makeover Guy had nothing to worry about though, he always knows how to beautifully highlight a person’s inner beauty through their outside appearance. Marion’s makeover was no different.
When Marion saw her makeover results, she immediately became emotional. She felt beautiful for the first time since her thirties.

Above is one last picture of Marion’s “before.” Watch Marion’s full makeover, right below, to see the beautiful results.
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