Chick-fil-a is known for many things. First, their chicken is absolutely delicious. For people who don’t live in the south or don’t have access to the golden deliciousness that is Chick-fil-a chicken, I personally feel sorry for you. Apart from taste, however, is service. The best chicken served with a terrible attitude taints the experience as a whole.

Chick-fil-a is known for more than just decent service, they are known for going above and beyond in almost every way possible.

Story after story seems to confirm this. News coverage on the chicken joint just seems to constantly confirm what everyone already knows – Chick-fil-a’s service is unparalleled. Well, one recent story shows they may just have some divine help in their pursuit of amazing service!
A photographer in Alabama caught a perfectly timed photo of a moment that you probably won’t find in most fast-food restaurants.

Back in July, a photographer named Brittany Calden was eating at the Chick-fil-a on Highway 72 in Madison, Alabama when she saw something interesting. The manager, Stephen Spray, was cleaning up when he stopped to talk to one of the customers.
Lovingly referred to as “Mr. Steve”, the manager was just doing his thing when he stopped to talk to a customer who looked down.

She realized that Mr. Steve was checking in on the customer because she was looking like something was wrong.
“He’s a hard worker and was wiping tables minutes before approaching the lady.”
As it turns out, his solution for the woman was to help with a bit of prayer.
For Mr. Steve, praying for people is one of the perks of the job.

“That’s not unusual,” Spray told her. “I work at a place where if I’m led to pray for someone, I’m able to do that and I’ll do it right on the spot. People need prayer, encouragement, and love. That’s what we try to do here.”
When someone needs to be comforted with a kind word and a moment of prayer, the chicken is clearly secondary. It’s strange – when you treat people with dignity, they seem to frequent your place of business!

For the community, that specific location is a local favorite.

It’s people like Mr. Steve who make the location more like a family home than a cold storefront.
“As soon as we enter we are greeted by our names, it’s seriously unreal,” she said. “They hold my baby when my hands are full and go out of their way to make us feel good. The other day we were leaving and an employee ran for the door to hug my daughter before she could leave”
Even more than that, the employees don’t care much for the recognition, they just want to care for people.
Funny enough, when you care for people like they do, it gives you quite a bit of recognition!

They don’t do what they do for recognition. These employees have hearts that are led by Jesus and its evident every time we enter their restaurant.”
Mr. Steve didn’t even have an idea that his moment was being recorded – it was just the person he is. We can all learn something from Mr. Steve!
Check out the original post below!
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