No one wants an infestation of cockroaches. Heck, no one wants a single cockroach in their yard or home. But while stepping on those pests or spraying them with roach killer works like a charm, what do you do when it’s an army of roaches?
Kill them with fire before they reproduce. It’s the time when you’re allowed to wage war.

This man had the same idea.
ABrazilian man discovered an infestation of roaches in his backyard. And being a man, he decided to confront the annoying pests. It’s his yard!
Now it’s not clear what he’s laid out and planted on the soil but what’s obvious is that he needs to light it to get rid of the invaders. So he’s got matches. The man probably made a weapon of his own to deal with the roaches.

He strikes a match, drops it on the soil, and… nothing.
His dogs are watching intently. Mr. Match here has an audience he cares for and he will do what he must to rid his property of those infernal insects. He is a one man army!

The Brazilian warlord lights another match, throwing it with emotion on to the cockroach army. But nothing’s happening! What’s happened to his weapon? All that planning!
But the man from Paraná, Brazil is not one to walk away from a fight.

Third time’s the charm.
He lights a third match, flinging it once again towards the disgusting horde of insects. The man watches in wonder, trying to see if his plan of attack would work. It did. And more.

A split second later and the entire area explodes, the soil going up in an uproar before falling back down. What was once a green yard teeming with life is now an upside down graveyard.

That wasn’t what he was expecting judging by his reaction.
Even his dogs were shocked by what just transpired. Now he’s got cockroach guts all over the place. That’s if they weren’t totally obliterated by the power of that explosion. Crazy.
Says a viewer.

Now it’s understandable why he wanted to eliminate the problem. Roaches do carry various diseases as these insects live and thrive anywhere. Including waste. But they are pretty resilient. An explosion like that couldn’t have left survivors. Could it?

Cockroaches have been around since the dinosaurs.
They know how to survive. From freezing temperatures, to lack of food, and even losing their heads, they will breathe and walk for as long as they can!
These nasty pests are also able to survive exposures to radioactive material, only dying when exposed to much higher levels. But they still outlive humans. Talk about a formidable foe!

This man should have had a flamethrower with him. You know, to eliminate all survivors. That intense explosion ruined his yard . Might as well finish the job. The modern day Terminator!
He’d have done a lot of swatting and squashing if there were survivors. And if you look closely around the 23 second mark, there’s a solitary roach on the left side of the screen.

Watch below and see how this man’s plan of attack turned his yard upside down.
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