When friends Sonia Ulrich, Monica Kenyon, and Marla Saltzer met up at a Santa Monica, California restaurant, they thought they’d be having some drinks for happy hour.
That never imagined that they would have “stopped a rape,” as Sonia explained it.
It all started when they were at a spot called Fig at 5 and Monica saw a guy put something in a woman’s drink.

“Now, Fig is a nice restaurant. We were enjoying our charcuterie platter and some fancy cheeses. That type of place. They had a bottle of wine they were splitting. It seemed like a first or second or third date. After a few ‘Oh god. What do we do’s,’ I got up to find her in the bathroom to tell her. Warn her. Tell her to get up and leave this creep. Make him drink it. Something,” Sonia explains.
The woman was completely shocked by what Sonia told her.

She said that the man was “one of her best friends.” They had known each other for a year and a half and even worked together.
Monica explained in detail exactly what she saw.
“He pulled her glass toward him, kind of awkwardly, then he took out a little black vial. He opened it up and dropped something in. Then he tried to play it cool, like checking his phone and hiding the vial in his hand and then trying to bring it back down slyly,” Sonia’s explained in a Facebook post.

The man apparently saw Monica staring at him in the process.
They told the restaurant staff and the manager came over to the table and let the woman order a sparkling water.
He said there wasn’t much he could do since he didn’t see the incident but he let security know.

“The poor woman had to sit through 40 more minutes, sitting across from “one of her best friends” knowing that he was trying to drug her. Marla noticed him several times chinking his glass to hers to get her to drink,” Sonia explained. “She played it cool. Mostly, I believed, just stunned. The staff wanted to jump in and dump the glass, dump him, do something! I was going through fantasies of walking up and demanding he drink the tainted glass of wine.”

When it was time to get their bill the waitstaff kept saying their computer was done.
Shortly thereafter the police walked in and asked the man to come with them.
The head of security said that because the trio of friend stepped in to let them know what was going on, they were able to review the security footage and got the man on tape attempting to drug the girl.

What was even more shocking was that people kept walking up to the women and thanking them as well as sharing their stories about how the same things happened to them.
“At least 10 stories of being personally affected by someone like this. Something like this. Those were only the ones who knew what went down. I am sure there were tons more stories throughout the restaurant and the hotel,” Sonia wrote.

Sonia said she posted about the incident on Facebook so that people could share it and be aware that these things happen.
Even in nice restaurants.
And even by people who you think are your best friend. You can see Sonia’s original post below.
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