We all know that when driving, we need to be alert and pay attention to whatever is going on around us on the road.
Still, most drivers nowadays are busy looking at their GPS, talking on the phone, or to other passengers in their car, so they only make sure they pay enough attention to not get involved in a car accident.
Sometimes autopilot isn’t enough.

But what about fellow drivers? Do they even see them?
One Uber driver in Massachusetts, Adolfo Molina Burgos, originally from the Dominican Republic, is one of those who do pay attention.
Adolfo’s hyperawareness saved a life.

A few days ago, the man was driving with a friend to pick someone up at Logan International Airport in Boston.
When they got on Interstate 93, he noticed something was off with another driver on the highway.
Something wasn’t right.

More specifically, there seemed to be a woman driving a blue car, who was in distress.
“I realized that the woman was unconscious and dizzy, colliding with the [window],” Burgos told NBC News.
Without thinking twice, Adolfo pulled over and jumped out of his car.
Then, he bounded across the highway.
He didn’t even care about the traffic around him, he just rushed to help stop that car.

Burgos could have been run over by another vehicle, but he simply didn’t care at that moment. As he admitted, he couldn’t even see any cars around him.
“I think it was something from God because I didn’t even see any of the other cars during that time,” he said.
You see, it seems that someone with a greater power was watching over him at that time and protected him from being hit by some car driving by.
His sprint across traffic was incredible.

His wife, Maite, is very proud of him, but she also shared that the first thing that crossed her mind when she found out about the incident was that something bad could have happened to him.
Eventually, Burgos, along with another driver who pulled over to help, managed to stop the car right before the police and emergency services arrived.
The unconscious driver was taken to a nearby hospital.
Of course, his bravery caught attention.

The whole thing was captured on video by another driver, and it soon went viral.
So far, at least 4 million people have watched Burgos’ heroic attempt to help another driver and prevent a potential crash.
Everyone is commenting about how brave this man was and how beautiful his soul is.
“Could you imagine what the world would be like if there were more people like him. He deserves a standing ovation,” someone wrote.
It’s an inspiring moment of heroism.

His deed even got political recognition.
He was also honored by his local mayor and the Dominican consulate in Boston for his bravery.
Indeed, we need more good people like Burgos in this world. People who would risk their lives to help others in need.
The world would be a much better place if there were more people like this guy.

See Burgos sprint across a highway to help a stranger in the video below!
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