It was a toddler all alone in nothing but a diaper and socks on a cold January day.
“I saw something in the distance, but I wasn’t sure what it was. As I got closer, I noticed it’s a kid,”Jackson told Fox 2 Detroit.
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Jackson immediately pulled over to aid the child. He leaped out of his car and wrapped the 2-year-old up in his jacket, and brought him into his car to get warm.
“When I picked him up he was stiff,” Jackson said.
The little boy was shaking. His lips and hands were purple from the frigid temperature that was 38 degrees but felt freezing from the wind chill.

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The child was too little to tell Jackson his name, his mother’s name, or where he lived.
So, Jackson flagged down another driver and asked them to call 911.
Thankfully, the little boy was in good spirits once he got warmed up.
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“Does anyone know this child? He doesn’t have any clothes on, no shoes,” Jackson said recording a video on his cell phone. “He was just in the middle of the street right about where that truck is behind me.”
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Jackson said he was shaken by the occurrence.
“Oh my god, this is just horrible. This is horrific. I’ve never seen nothing like this before in my life,” you could hear him say in the video.
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Jackson stayed with the child and tried to comfort him until the police arrived.
When police did arrive, they took the child to Children’s Hospital.
Police weren’t sure how he managed to get out of the house.

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Police were able to learn the child’s identity and where he lived.
It turns out that the boy walked out of his family’s home that was less than a block away.
The child’s 16-year-old sibling was supposed to be watching the child and didn’t realize he wandered off when their mother had gone to the store.
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There’s no telling how long this little baby has been out in this cold weather
Jackson, who has more than a dozen grandchildren of his own, said he was just grateful that he was there to find the child when he did and bring him to safety.
“I was blessed to be at the right place at the right time,” Jackson told Inside Edition, getting emotional, “to save a child.”
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Police told DailyMail that they are investigating the incident but don’t anticipate any charges to be filed.
“Absolutely this man was placed in this area for the sole purpose to save this baby. I hope and pray it was an eye-opener for the older sibling. I can’t imagine the guilt they would’ve felt if the outcome had been different. Thank God for keeping this little fella safe,” a YouTube commenter wrote.
Learn more about this story in the video below.
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