When Greg Budgell of Dracut, Massachusetts saw a stranger in mortal danger, he didn’t hesitate to run into a burning vehicle on the side of the road to pull two strangers out of the wreck.
Putting himself in danger as he ran across Interstate 495 in Andover, Massachusetts just to save the made inside the burning car.

Budgell told WCVB that he was driving to work when he saw the crash occur.
That’s when he jumped out of his vehicle and started running across the interstate.
“I saw people in need and I just had to help them,” Budgell said.

Harold Greer also stopped to help and ended up catching Budgell saving the person in the burning vehicle on his car’s dash camera.
“It’s something else, when you see someone do something so great for somebody in trouble,” Greer said.

The gentleman who was trapped in the burning car wreck injured both his legs and one of his arms.
He would have been unable to run from the car on his own.

“He told me he only had one good arm, which is why I was dragging him that way,” Budgell said. “I kinda just looked at him and said, ‘I’ve gotta drag you, man, this car is about to go up. Gotta do it,’ and I just dragged him up the hill.”

There were several others who pulled over to help Budgell and Greer get the driver and his passenger out of harm’s way.
“(The driver) was in agony. They were both in bad shape,” Greer said.

“You felt the heat. You felt when the tires blew and when the gas tank went. You felt the blast from it.”
Both the drier and passenger were taken to the hospital for treatment.
The driver is said to have suffered several broken bones that required surgery.

He is believed to have fallen asleep at the wheel and is thankful that Budgell risked his life to pull him to safety.
“You just never know when someone’s in trouble,” Greer said of why he stopped. “You don’t know if they could be stuck and everyone just keeps driving by. He could have lost his life that day burning in his car,” Greer said.

The video shows Budgell pulling a man from the burning wreck and placing him next to another person that he had pulled from the car.
Greer is then seen running over to them and then running back to his car so he could call 911.
Then the tires blow out on the car and the gas tank ignites causing the entire car to completely go up in flames.

More Good Samaritans stop and help pull the two crash victims farther from the burning cars whose flames keep growing larger.
One of the victims is also seen lying on the floor and reaching up for Budgell’s hand while lying in the grass to thank him for saving his life.

More than 645,000 people watch Inside Edition’s take on the story on YouTube.
“This guy is a marvel/DC superhero come to life,” said one YouTuber.
“Bravo, it takes some balls to run at a fire to help someone,” said another.
You can watch Budgell’s daring rescue int he video below.
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