One man’s selfless gesture is caught on camera.
On the day before Christmas Eve, one man felt compelled to offer his support to a family asking for help on the side of the road.

A family in need.
The family’s father was holding up a sign in San Angelo, Texas asking for a donation of any kind. The mother and the two kids were sitting on the grass nearby and it was obvious that they were homeless. Any help they could get would be greatly appreciated.

One man makes a difference.
When the man, who wishes to remain anonymous, saw the family asking for help, he knew that he had to do something for them. It was just two days till Christmas and what better way to celebrate the spirit of the giving season than to offer some help to a family in need.

He wanted to give them something.
Although the family was asking for a donation, the man didn’t have money on him so he had another idea in mind. “They were asking for any type of donations, they were very religious, thanking God, and I didn’t have cash on me and I felt compelled to get something in their bellies,” – the man told

Food for the soul.
After he decided the best thing to do would be to bring the family a hearty meal, he traveled to a nearby restaurant and purchased some food for them. He drove back to the area he saw the father holding up a sign and stopped his car. He walked the bags of food over to the family and they happily accepted.

A mutual understanding.
The man handed the food to the mother and father and he recalled their reaction to the gift and how he stopped to chat with them for a little while. “Just talking to them, they were very grateful, thankful,” – the man told

A heartwarming act of kindness goes viral.
A passerby took photos of the man’s selfless gift for the family and the story got the attention of local news outlets. The man wanted people to know why it’s so important to give back to those in need. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, as of “January 2020, there were 580,466 people experiencing homelessness in America. Most were individuals (70 percent), and the rest were people living in families with children.” –

Giving isn’t just for the holidays.
The man told why he did what he did and why giving should be something that is always in season.
“Shouldn’t have to wait until the holidays to do something to help other people…Where I’m from and where I live, a lot of people stand on the corner and take advantage of other people, but you can truly see that these people are hardly doing without. I just wanted to try and do something nice for them during the holidays.” – the man told

Now watch the video to see this heartwarming gesture of kindness.
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