When you’re a kid, it’s easy to believe in magical things happening, and for these twin sisters, that was actually the case. Thanks to one kind stranger who decided to go out of his way, the adorable little girls got a wishlist fulfilled in the most amazing way.
This will seriously warm your heart!

These 4-year-old twins decided to send a balloon up with a wishlist tied to it, and thanks to this kind-hearted stranger it paid off in a major way
It all started when 4-year-old twins Luna and Gianella Gonzalez, made wishlists on balloons and released them with their mother Leticia hoping that they would make it to Santa Claus. Lucky for them, one of the balloons made it to a different white-bearded man with a kind heart, and he was prepared to be their own personal Santa Claus.
“It was important doing something special for my girls because of the hard year we had during the coronavirus pandemic. I wanted them to feel like 2020 was another year spent with mom making beautiful memories,” Leticia told CNN

Alan Bamburg was deer hunting 600 miles away in Grand Cane, Louisiana, when he spotted a balloon in a tree and decided to find out why it was there
When Alan went on a hunting trip last December, becoming Santa Claus probably was the last thing on his mind, but fate would have the last word.

“I saw that balloon, and God spoke to me,” said Bamburg, he went on to recount his thoughts when he saw it: “‘You need to get this, and, second of all, you need to get the trash out of the woods,’”
When he got close enough to the balloon he saw a little yellow letter tied to it, so he opened the note and found Luna’s wishlist
That’s right, Luna’s balloon somehow floated 600 miles all the way from their home in Liberal, Kansas, to land right in Alan’s path. On the list, five wishes were written, a My Little Pony, Frozen doll, candy, a spiderman ball, and lastly, a puppy.
The holidays got hectic for Alan and his wife Lee Ann, so they set her wishlist aside but made sure to keep it in the back of their minds. In January, Alan went to Facebook for help finding the writer of the wishlist, and it worked.

“Found this in the woods in Grand Cane, LA. Would love to know when it was launched. Looks like it traveled over 600 miles. Feel free to share”
Hundreds of people shared Alan’s post until eventually, it got back to the twins’ mom Leticia
People on Facebook asked Leticia to share Gianella’s list too, she did just that and that’s when Alan’s circle of friends and family started sending presents to the adorable twins.

“We couldn’t believe how kind people were, we were overwhelmed with love. That’s what really mattered.” Said Leticia.
After communicating with the family online for months, Alan and his wife made the 6-hour trip to give the girls their final present

By now, Alan, his friends, family, schoolmates, and co-workers, had already fulfilled almost all of Luna and Gianella’s wishlist, but they were still missing one gift. You guessed it, a puppy! So the Bamburgs took a road trip to Kansas with a dachshund puppy, and just like that, their Christmas wishlist was complete in April.
The precious little girls named their new best friend Max, and it’s safe to say that they will remember Alan’s kindness for the rest of their lives.
Watch the entire heartwarming news story below.
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