Acts of Kindness
Elderly Man Feeds Wife Ice Cream On Blistering Day
This is true love at its finest!
D.G. Sciortino

In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, richer or poorer— when two people are bonded by marriage they vow to be together until death do they part.

Marriage is a commitment to unconditional love which means that you will love a person no matter what conditions occur.

One parent caught a glimpse of what unconditional love really means when he took his kids for ice cream after a day at the pool.

He found that unconditional love means waiting on your significant other hand and foot when the day that they can no longer care for themselves arrives.


Brent Kelley
Brent Kelley

During his family’s ice cream run, Kelley spotted a man sitting outside his car door.

When he got a closer look he realized that the man, who appeared to be in his 80s, was feeding his wife since she was unable to feed herself.

He carefully made sure that no ice cream dripped on her while he spoon-fed her in the hot weather.

Kelley was so moved by this gesture of love that he posted about it on Facebook.

Here’s his full post:

“So today, I took the kids to the pool and we stopped for ice cream on the way home. When I got my ice cream and pulled out, I realized that this elderly man beside me was sitting out side his car door, spoon feeding his wife ice cream who also looked in her late eighties. He draped a towel over her and slowly fed his bride in the 98-degree temperature. It was a beautiful display of love.”

Kelley wasn’t the only one inspired by this man. Almost a million people liked his post. It was also shared more than 350,000 times and had more than 69,000 comments.

It turns out lots of people could relate to this couple and tagged their significant others in the post.

“This reminds me of my dad with my mom (Alzheimer’). She would look him in the eyes and smile so big!!!” wrote one woman on Facebook.

There were some, however, who had a little bit trouble relating.

One man tagged his significant other, saying “Me looking after you.” She didn’t quite see it that way and replied, “I wish. I’d be lucky to get the ice cream in the first place.”

Absolutely… freakin’… hilarious. Oh love… how sweet it is.

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