Alana Ruthann lives “life with faith, compassion, determination, and understanding” and hopes to “live forever or die trying.” She’s also the founder of Spread Kindness Iowa whos mission is to “inspire a renewed sense of hope within the Des Moines metro and surrounding communities while enriching the lives of all.”
So, she knows first hand how a little bit of kindness can change lives.
Ruthann was impatiently waiting on line while shopping at a Walmart in Ankeny for some items for St. Patrick’s Day. It was then that she witnessed a beautiful act of kindness.

She wrote about her experience on Facebook in a post that ended up going viral.
“There I was caught in the rush of life yesterday at Walmart Ankeny. Annoyed I was standing in a line, God forbid I wait for something in this ‘instant- I need it now life’… holding a few items in my hands ready to celebrate St. Paddy’s festivities, absorbed in my own world of technology, looking down at my phone, I didn’t even notice the two gentlemen standing in front of me until I heard an older mans voice in confusion declare, ‘Wait, what is happening? What are you doing?!'” she wrote.

Ruthan was alarmed by the man’s words and looked up. When she realized what was actually going on she took it upon herself to snap photographs of these men during their interaction so she could later tell her friends about it on Facebook.

“I looked up from my phone to see a younger man in front of the older gentleman respond, ‘Sir, I’m paying for your items because you paid by serving my country and I’m grateful for you.’ The older man was caught off guard with a loss for words, fumbling his gloves in his hands and trying desperately to hold in his emotion, as was I,” she explained.
“Just as quickly as he scanned his card and paid for the items, that young man said another thank you and quickly left. The veteran was still in shock as he was handed his items he asked, ‘What do I do now?’ To which the cashier responded with a warm smile, ‘You have a good day!'”

Ruthann was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love this man was shown by a complete stranger.
“It was that moment I realized I had TWO heroes in line in-front of me. My heart welled as I watched our veteran readjust his Veteran ball cap, straighten up, and hold his head with pride as he walked out knowing someone was grateful for him,” Ruthann said.

“What a feeling- in this life where we rush through with our eyes down at a screen full of negativity and disagreements – to have someone simply say ‘I’m grateful for you.'”
“That 20-second interaction didn’t just change the veteran’s day- it changed my day, as well as that cashier’s- because that 20 seconds showed us by looking up and slowing down- life is pretty beautiful and surely we can find something to be grateful for. Thank you Ankeny Angel- we needed you.”

Ruthann’s post was shared more than 15,000 times and many shared their thoughts of approval.
“I am a Walmart cashier. I see the ugliness of life more often than I care to admit in my job. But then, I see a wonderful instance like this one and I remember why I choose to believe there are still good people out there,” said one Facebook commenter. ”
“Thank you for reminding everyone that good people, kind people, do exist. Thank you to that gentleman veteran who stood up and was counted among the brave warriors of our nation. Most of all, thank you to that young man who chose to show his appreciation in the simplest way possible – he paid it forward.”
You can see her original post below.
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