Acts of Kindness
Vlogger Records Hilarious Video For First Day Of Chemo
Wil approached a challenging situation with the best possible attitude, and he is inspiring to say the least. We know you'll beat cancer, Wil!
Cedric Jackson

Cancer: It’s something that nobody wants to face.

But what happens when you have to? That’s what 25-year-old world traveler and blogger Wil Dasovich is finding out. In August, the popular YouTuber was diagnosed with colon cancer. This formerly healthy young man suddenly had to quit traveling and come home to the United States to get treatment for his illness.

While most people might feel defeated in a situation like this, Dasovich isn’t letting the news get him down too much – at least not enough to ruin his fun.

On his first day of chemotherapy, he records a vlog in which he shows what the experience is like. And instead of looking sick or sorry for himself, he turns the day into a fun adventure with his father and friend Alodia.

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He starts off by showing himself getting up and heading to the treatment center where he will receive his chemotherapy. He’s upbeat the whole time, cracking jokes along the way. When he gets to the room he’ll be staying in, he records himself spending time with his father and friend. The two are obviously there to support him, and he seems grateful that they are there.

Dasovich does an excellent job of portraying his cancer experience as just another part of life.

Difficult? Surely. But he shows that having an illness like cancer doesn’t mean your life is over. It’s a new part of life that has the possibility of teaching you things you might not learn otherwise. And going into the experience with such a positive attitude allows him to take advantage of whatever the experience has to offer him, even if it is incredibly tough to deal with.

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Once Dasovich is hooked up and receiving the actual chemotherapy, some might think he would slow down and act as if he is feeling more ill. But that doesn’t happen. He continues to make jokes to his friend and dad, who respond with laughs and jokes directed right back at him. This loving teasing makes it easier for Dasovich to get through the treatments.

He also talks about the boredom he faces during the ordeal.

There are options available for him to watch movies, but he doesn’t seem to want to do that. In fact, he says he feels like he needs to move around and has a ton of energy. You then see him get up from the hospital bed and walk around the room. He leaves the room a few times to go walk laps around the facility. Getting out and about seems to help him cope with the harsh treatments.

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Later, his dad decides to go get them all some burritos, and Wil and Alodia chill out and watch some YouTube videos, clearly enjoying their time together. Having his friend right by his side during the treatment probably helped him feel better.

While Wil is clearly going through a difficult situation, his attitude and positivity are sure to inspire countless others.

Perhaps more important, showing his experience can help other cancer patients understand that they aren’t going through their ordeals alone. Lots of people face cancer, and they should still get to hold on to some of the normalcy in their lives. Illnesses like cancer are common, and people like Wil Dasovich are doing their part to show that it’s okay. No matter what you’re going through, you can still choose to see the world in a positive light. It may not be easy, but it’s possible.

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