It was like any other day of work for the mailman. But then Adam Trent gave him the opportunity to win big.
Times are hard right now, especially for essential workers, who have to put themselves at risk to make a living.
Adam Trent, a social media personality, worked out a fun way to show appreciation for his mailman.
It all started when Trent saw the mailman walking up to his front door on his video doorbell.

As the mailman was walking away, Trent opened the door and called out.
Trent then pointed to three envelopes stuck to his screen door.

Questions were written on top of the envelopes. Trent then explained that if the mailman answered the questions right, he could keep what was inside of them.
The mailman agreed to the game, although he was a little confused.
Trent assured the mailman that there were some pretty good prizes inside the envelopes.
So the mailman plucked the highest envelope from the screen door and read the question.

“How many points is a touchdown worth in football?”
The mailman hesitated for a moment before remembering that the answer was six.
Then he plucked the second question from the door.

“Name a song that starts with B.”
The mailman looked at the door and got a clue from the next question. He announced Blackbird, the Paul McCartney penned Beatles song.
Excited now, the mailman picked up the fourth envelope.

“Name the 4 Beatles.”
Without hesitating, the mailman listed John, Paul, George and Ringo.
Then Trent announced a bonus round. He held up some more envelopes with questions on the front.

The first of these asked the mailman to name the capital of Florida.
The mailman said Tallahassee quickly but seemed a little unsure.
Trent handed him the envelope, saying that he’d got the answer right. Would you have got that?
Then it was time for the next question.

“Which country gave the U.S. the Statue of Liberty?”
After a slight hesitation, the mailman said France, and he was right.

Next, he had to name a food that starts with the letter R. The mailman chose ramen.
And then it was time for the final question.

“Name two members of N’sync.”
The mailman was stumped. He struggled to come up with the right answer. After a pause, he correctly named Justin Timberlake. But he couldn’t name a second member.
Trent had to concede that the mailman hadn’t won that envelope, but he had got all the rest.
Now it was time for the mailman to see what he had won.
In the first envelope was a $5 bill.
Already, the mailman was smiling.
Then he opened the second envelope to find $20.
He was stunned at this. He announced that this was more than he’d ever gotten tipped before.
In the next envelope was another $5 bill.
Then he opened the next envelope and found a $1 bill. Still, with all that he’d earned so far, he wasn’t complaining.

In the next envelope was a $50 bill.
Naturally, it took the mailman a second to register this bill. After all, you don’t see one of those every day.
In the final envelope that the mailman had won was another $1 bill. Overall, he had won $82.
The mailman was speechless. He couldn’t believe that he had suddenly gained so much cash.
He told Trent that now he wouldn’t have to worry about paying his rent this month.
But still, Trent wasn’t done yet. He held up the N’sync envelope one more time and gave the mailman another shot.
Trent tried to help the mailman by stating the initials of one of the members. Still, the mailman was stumped.
But regardless of the answer, Trent opened the envelope and pulled out a $100 bill. He handed the money over to the mailman.

Once more, the mailman was shocked into silence. He turned away from the camera, trying to hide his tears. Then he knelt down to the ground and began fully weeping.
Clearly, this meant so much to him.
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