Anyone who has had a job serving the public knows that some people become regulars and you can get to know them quite well.
One job that has all regulars is a postman… they see the same people every day and get to know them by name.

Ra’sheen Turpin has been a mail carrier in the Garfield Historic Neighborhood of Phoenix, Arizona for 8 years.
In that time he has seen people come and go, watched children grow up, and become quite close with many of the people on his route.
One of these people is 81-year-old Margo.

Margo lives alone and has to take care of her entire property herself.
Up until a few years ago, she loved doing all the yard work and took immense pride in how her home looked, then she had a terrible fall.
Margo fell hard and ended up being stuck in the hospital for a while as she recovered.

During her time in the hospital, Margo’s front yard became very overgrown and messy.
Ever since returning from the hospital, the woman has wanted to bring her property back to its former glory, she just couldn’t do it herself.
Now only able to move about with a cane, and barely able to bend over at all, Margo’s yard quickly became overgrown.

She still tried though, and it was as she was attempting to haul a bunch of dead palm fronds out of her yard that Ra’sheen saw her.
He was still working and was unable to help her himself, but he knew just what to do.
Ra’sheen snapped a picture of the elderly woman trying to clean up her yard and he posted it to Facebook in a community group.

Within a few hours there were hundreds of responses and one woman, Samantha Young, went over to help her that very day.
Samantha owns a small business where she does house cleaning and yard work in her local area and was determined to help Margo.
In less than a day Samantha had cleared Margo’s whole front yard; she removed all the dead palm fronds that had blown in and mowed the lawn.

While Samantha did all the work for free, and says she would again, some of the other people from the Facebook group sent her donations for the work she did.
“Maybe that’ll be extra funds for someone else’s yard.” the woman told 12 NEWS she sat with Margo on her front porch.
“Once the job is done,” Margo said of the few things remaining until her yard is completely done, “I’ll be happy.”

When asked why he felt the need to create the post that got Margo the help, Ra’sheen had a few things to say.
“I saw her doing that,” Ra’sheen says, “and I was like ‘Oh no, she shouldn’t be doing that’.”
“It’s called the United States Postal Service, but some people forget the ‘service’ part.” he continues by saying, “We’re here to help. It costs nothing to be kind, nothing.”

Meet Margo and her neighborhood garden helpers in the heartwarming video below!
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