Acts of Kindness
Woman Looks Fabulous Going From Long Gray To Short Blonde
It melted years off her, what a gorgeous look.
Kathleen Shipman

It can be easy to get stuck in the same daily beauty routine. Sometimes you just go with the hairstyle and makeup colors you’ve grown accustomed to – forgetting how much fun it can be to change things up.

A woman from Minnesota named Paula was ready to take the plunge and switch up her appearance. But instead of simply buying a box of hair dye from her local pharmacy, she decided to visit The Makeover Guy for a full-blown transformation. Take a peek at what Paula looks like in the photo below, because after her fabulous makeover, she’s totally unrecognizable!

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She didn’t have a problem cutting her Rapunzel-length hair.

There are a lot of women out there that would give anything for long locks. But let’s face it, our hair changes with age and growing it out isn’t in the cards for everybody. Some women, however, are able to sport a lengthy do – and Paula is one of them.

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For five years she kept her hair the same way.

Apparently, that was long enough because Paula wanted to embrace change and get a brand new style. In her past, she actually fluctuated between long and short hair – perhaps a reason why she seemed really brave about getting it cut!

Pixabay/Markus Winkler
Pixabay/Markus Winkler

Paula was in for the royal treatment.

Christopher Hopkins (aka The Makeover Guy) is a best-selling author, entertainer, entrepreneur – and a total magician when it comes to beauty transformations. He’s also an internet star known for his makeover videos that are heartwarming, inspirational, and quite addicting! Really, is it possible to just watch one?

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Women will travel great distances to visit MAKEOVERGUY Appearance Studios in Minneapolis. There have even been ones who’ve flown overseas to see Christopher! For Paula, she was lucky to be in the same state (especially if she wanted to become a repeat customer).

The Makeover Guy’s website provides information about their luxurious facility and services.


She was up for anything and her husband was too.

During her interview before the makeover, Paula had a great attitude about it all. She said, “Whatever happens, happens.” She also shared that even her husband was on board for anything.

“He said, ‘It doesn’t make any difference.’ He loves me anyway, whether my hair is long or short.”

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Say goodbye to the old Paula, and hello to glamour.

Christopher and his team are incredible when it comes to dramatic makeovers, and with Paula, they don’t disappoint! She looks like a different person with shorter bouncy curls, a gorgeous new color, and a makeup style that could be worn by a Hollywood star.

The best part (and perhaps the most important) is that Paula loves the results. She explains:

“I got rid of all that long grey hair that was dragging me down, and this has brought life to my face and life to my hair. I love it!”


By no surprise, viewers are applauding Paula’s new look too. One person wrote:

“My jaw just dropped. Gorgeous! Holy macaroni! What kind of sorcery is this?”

Someone else commented:

“Amazing transformation. I would NEVER have known that was the same woman. Just stunning. So happy for her!”

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Paula has good advice for anyone who’s tossing around the idea of getting a makeover. She says, “If you’re sitting on the fence just do it!”

Watch the video below to see Paula’s stunning new look for yourself!

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