Some of the best things in life are spontaneous.
Spontaneous interactions and moments can result in the fondest memories. Sticking to a plan is well and good but when opportunities appear, go for them.
Somehow, children seemed to have grasped this concept. As always, we can often look to children to remind us how to relax and live a little. Adults might be wise but children are, you guessed it, spontaneous.
One little girl was feeling just that when she decided to join Irish dancing champion, Emma O’Sullivan, out into a street in Ireland for some dancing lessons. What else should one expect when visiting one of the largest cities in Ireland — Galway?

It isn’t uncommon to see performers out on Galway Street. After all, there is a 15-piece band named after it, Galway Street Club. Even though the street is a bustling place lined with shops and food, you wouldn’t be the only one whose attention was stolen by the acts.
Sullivan is a Connemara sean nós dancer. In Irish, Sean nós means “old style.” Sean-nós dance was originated in the Connemara region of Ireland (the west coast). One of the main characteristics of the dance is its “low to the ground” footwork.

When Sullivan was dancing in the middle of the street, a little girl decided to join in, causing many passersby to stop and watch the dynamic duo.
It was all in good fun, of course. Sullivan is all smiles as she watches the little girl try her best to keep up with her fast and fancy footwork. It’s adorable.
At the start of the video, you see the little girl run towards the dancing Sullivan before seemingly becoming a little timid and stopping short and turning around. But this shyness doesn’t last for very long.

In fact, it barely lasts a second. Before we know it, the little girl begins dancing as if nobody is watching, even though, everybody is!
When Sullivan leaps, the little girl does her best to leap also. Barely clearing the ground, you can hear the person recording the video giggle slightly at the insanely cute act. Even Sullivan can’t help but feel a little of the cuteness overload.

She jumps again giving the little girl another shot at clearing the ground even more. For a spell, the only thing the girl wants to do is jump!
When Sullivan continues tapping and shuffling her feet, the girl follows suit by attempting to do the same. When she kicks her legs up high, so does the girl. Well, at least she tries!
Sullivan swiftly spins in a circle and the girl does so too. It may not be as smooth but she’ll get there. With a lesson like this, she’s sure to be on her way!

Throughout the video, laughs from the crowd can be heard as they are absolutely smitten at the performance taking place before them. Those in attendance wouldn’t be the only ones who fall victim to the pair. Comments poured in from viewers who loved it just as much.
“she’s the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Thanks goodness there wasn’t a puppy involved…I would be dead on cuteness overdose.
“And we’ll reference back to this video when she’s one of the best Irish dancers in the world.”
“My faith in humanity has been restored :)”

What a great video to show someone to brighten their day! You can watch it below!
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