Have you ever seen something on TV that resonates with you? You know, a show, movie, or commercial that stirs up emotions? Or perhaps something in person like a poster or advertisement while shopping at a local store? Well, that’s what happened to a young boy named Oliver. In his case, it was a Target ad that caused a reaction.
Everyone loves Target
From the minute you walk in the doors of a Target store, you feel excited. With thousands upon thousands of items to choose from, you could easily spend hours shopping. This store has something for everyone. A lot of people leave with a cart full of items they didn’t even know they wanted or needed.

Impressive products
One of the unique aspects of Target is that it offers all kinds of inclusive products. That includes gender-neutral clothing and adaptive Halloween costumes. Not only does this type of merchandise make life easier for the parents but they also have a profound effect on the children receiving the item. For some kids, they have a sense of normalcy, perhaps for the first time in their lives.

Something captured his attention
While at a local Target store, Demi Garza Pena noticed her 2-year-old son, Oliver, staring at one of the advertisement posters. You see, this sweet boy is in a wheelchair. And there in the ad, was the image of another little boy also in a wheelchair. He might be young, but Oliver recognized the two had something in common.

The mom whipped out her cell phone and took a picture
The moment was so sweet and special, Demi immediately grabbed a photo of Oliver staring at the Target ad. After returning home, she posted it, along with a brief story, on her Facebook page. As part of that, she gave a shoutout to Target. Quickly, others began liking and sharing. In no time, it went viral.

The boy in the ad
The amazing thing about social media is that word spreads fast. All it takes is for one person to share it before it reaches the right party. That’s what happened here. Somehow, the photo and story made its way back to the mother of Colton Robinson — the boy in the ad. At that time, both families had no idea what would take place next.

A beautiful friendship forms
Oliver found a wonderful friend. Colton’s mother posted a message to Demi that read, “I’m that little boy in the Target displays Mom and this picture has me in tears! Tell Ollie he can do anything he puts his mind to!” Since then, the other mom, Ashley, and Demi have had many incredible conversations.

Same situation but different diagnoses
Both boys are in wheelchairs but for different health reasons. Oliver has caudal regression and Colton, spina bifida. Despite that, Colton started modeling in 2014. He even went on to become a finalist in a competition hosted by Parents Magazine. They may face physical challenges but those aren’t stopping these two from living life to the fullest.

For parents who have kids with a disability, there’s a good chance that Target has an ad that would inspire them too. This store has amazing displays featuring kids and adults with Down Syndrome, massive freckles, those who use crutches and walkers, and the list goes on.
You might want to get out the tissues before watching the video below.
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Source: Little Things, YouTube