A toddler made headlines recently when he asked his Illinois State Police officer dad for one last kiss before he left for his work shift.
The young boy didn’t want to see his dad go, and we don’t blame him.
With everything that has been happening recently, the boy had no idea when his dad would be returning home and if he would be returning safe. The whole heartwarming moment of their goodbye was caught on camera and has since gone viral all over the Internet.

The video began with the boy sitting down in the garage of their home and looking out at his dad in the driveway.
The dad was dressed in his full police officer uniform and was getting ready to go in for his shift. He was just about to jump in his car to take off when the boy started shouting.
“Bye-bye, daddy. Goodbye, daddy!” the toddler said.

Although, saying goodbye one last time wasn’t enough for the little boy.
He wanted one last hug and kiss too! The boy started running out of the garage toward his dad and it was super adorable to watch.

Because he was so young, he was still a little wobbly on his feet.
He couldn’t have been more than a few years old. Yet, he did his best to get out to the vehicle.

There was just one problem — it was raining and his mom didn’t want him to leave the garage.
The dad yelled back to the boy to tell him to listen to her.
“Hey, it’s wet, it’s wet outside. I love you,” said the dad.

Finally, though, the mom caved in and let him go.
The boy’s request was so innocent and heartwarming, how could she not? She let him know that he was allowed to run out to say goodbye to his dad. She would wipe his dirty feet off with a towel afterward.

The boy wobbled over and hugged his dad’s leg.
The dad bent down and kissed him on the forehead.

Then he got in his car as the boy went running excitedly back towards the garage.
It was such a beautiful moment and something that every family can identify with.
“If that doesn’t melt your heart nothing will! Prayers for a safe shift!” writes Facebook commenter Laura Glenn.

Although, it wasn’t just about the dad’s job as a police officer either.
We’ve all been in a similar situation before, both as kids and as parents. When you’re really young, it’s always hard to say goodbye to your parents when they go to work. It doesn’t matter that it’s just for a few short hours. A parent leaving for a shift at work can seem like a lifetime to a young child.

Thankfully, though, this story has a happy ending.
The toddler will miss his dad dearly while he is away at work, but he will get to see him again later when he comes back home.

However, not everyone is so lucky. We never know when it will be the last time we get to say goodbye to someone we love. Things often happen that are outside of our control, and amidst all of the chaos in the world lately, this video is a timely reminder of that.
Watch the full video below of the boy asking his State Police Officer dad for a kiss before his shift.
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