Years ago, small children had a tough time just learning how to tie their shoes. Today, they’re masters of all kinds of electronics. In fact, parents often turn to them whenever they need help with a smartphone or the internet. But even as brilliant as children are, they don’t always know how things work…case in point, a doorbell ring camera.
Installing a doorbell camera
For one family, they liked the idea of having a doorbell camera installed at their house. After all, it was a great way to deter crime. But this device also sent them notifications whenever someone approached their home and it allowed them to keep a better eye on their little boy.

No clue
After installing the camera, the couple’s son didn’t seem too interested in it. He also didn’t quite grasp how it worked. But considering he was so young, that makes perfect sense.

An ordinary day
One morning, the boy and his father were heading out the front door. As they’d done so many times before, they said their goodbyes to the mom. No big deal, right? Well, it wasn’t at first.

Had to share
Thankfully, the mom posted a video of what happened on social media. It was so unexpected, innocent, and sweet, that it didn’t take long before it went viral. So far, it’s already garnered more than 440,000 views.

One day things changed
In the video, you first see the dad with a large backpack. Right by his side is the little boy. We’re not sure, but we’re guessing he’s not more than two, possibly three years old. You hear the dad say, “Come on, bud” as they get ready to walk down the porch steps.

Wait a minute
But suddenly, his son stopped in his tracks. He then turned to face the door and in the most precious voice, he says, “Bye, bye momma.” Even with a small bag of snacks in his hands, he waves to her as his father repeats what he just said.

Time to go
Taking his son’s hand, the two again start down the porch steps. And off they go. So, what made this brief moment so special? This adorable boy finally figured out that his mom could see him through the doorbell camera. Before that day, he had no idea.

An important milestone
To some people, that might not seem like a big deal but to these parents, it meant everything in the world. Not only did it make this kid’s day brighter but it also put a big smile on the parents’ faces. There he was, their little boy who was beginning to grow up.

Mom chimes in
To better understand just how amazing this moment was, Erin, the mom commented. “It made my morning! Brought a quick smile to my face and warmed my heart.” She went on to state, “I always watch for the notification and watch the video of them leaving every morning and it was a special treat to have him say goodbye to me all on his own.”

The upside of technology
Some people still balk at technology but something as insignificant as a doorbell camera shows why they should embrace some things. For this family, mornings have become one of the best times of the day. And knowing the home is better protected is a bonus.

This video only lasts 23 seconds but it’s well worth watching. If you want to smile, check it out below.
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