It’s amazing how the lives of people across the globe differ so much and how unusual their experiences might seem to another. In this article, we will see a very cute story about an encounter that I bet the majority of us would love to have experienced.
I was born and raised in a small town in a Mediterranean country so you can understand that not even in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that one day, while I would be chilling in my home’s swimming pool, I would get a visit from a very cute and fluffy stranger. Of course, this has never happened to me, but for a family in Adelaide Hills in South Australia it’s a reoccurring incident. Apparently, it’s not the first time that they had a Koala over at their place.

Yeah, you have heard right, a Koala! Last year, the family had the honor to have a visit from this adorable animal that wandered around their backyard. The whole visit was recorded by the family and later posted on their channel on YouTube. The camera shot starts with the Koala perched in a tree looking directly in the camera’s lens.

Then, we see the lovely creature slowly finding its way down the tree and onto the deck of the swimming pool area. The image is really good and we can see clearly all of the Koala’s movements. The animal moves rather slowly, but for someone who knows about the Koala species, this is hardly surprising. The Koalas aren’t very active animals as they have a low energy diet and they need to sleep around 20 hours per day.

In the video footage we follow the Koala as it moves closer to the swimming pool, obviously in search for water. By the edge of the pool, it finds a plastic bottle cut in half, containing fresh water.

The Koala seems really enticed by the swimming pool and the water movement; and we see it hesitantly trying to reach the water surface. We have to remember that this isn’t the Koala’s normal habitat, so everything around it probably seems quite foreign.

In the next shot, a woman enters the pool slowly moving closer to the animal, trying carefully not to scare it away. As she sees the animal’s effort to reach and drink from the pool, she cups a little water and offers it to the animal. The little Koala hesitantly leans closer to the woman and accepts her help.
While seeing the scene and although I enjoyed every moment of it, I kept wondering about the water in the swimming pool and whether or not it was fresh or chloride. Thankfully, in the video’s description on YouTube, the family clarifies that the water in their swimming pool was fresh thus drinkable.

As the woman earns the Koala’s trust they soon seem to become friends and they engage in a series of beautiful moments.

We see how this adorable animal, although solitary by nature, it quickly builds a bond with the young woman and they proceed to cuddle and kiss.

At the end of the video, the Koala decides that it’s time to leave and moves towards the stairs, leading out of the swimming pool area.

Koalas numbers have plummeted over the last years, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature lists Koala as “vulnerable”. During the Australian wildfires in 2019, the Koalas lost a significant part of their habitat while many were injured in the process. If you ever have the luck of meeting this adorable animal, don’t forget to treat it with love and tenderness.
If you love Koalas and you can’t get enough of them, check the video below!
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