One thing that mass school shootings have in common is that they were perpetrated by teens who felt isolated and alone in the world to the point where they became hateful and violent.
But imagine if there was a kind-hearted person who befriended them or included them in their group or activities so they wouldn’t feel alone?
There would probably be a lot less violence in the world if people were kinder to one another.
That’s why it’s so nice to hear that schools in Tampa, Florida are finding that kids are being a lot nicer to each other as a result of kindness being taught in school curriculums. The hope is that the days of bullying will fall by the wayside and students will no longer torment or ostracize each other.

Tampa’s East Bay High School relies on Demetra Johnson to befriend lonely, alienated, or new students to help them feel like they are where they belong.
Sometimes her niceness is a shock to others.
“At first I thought you were weird because you were being so friendly,” Johnson says people will often say to her.
But that presumed weirdness fades away once they see that Johnson genuinely has love in her heart. She and her friends make an effort to each lunch with kids so they don’t have to eat alone and will also invite them to social gatherings.

“You never know what someone’s going through until you go up to people and have a conversation,” Johnson told ABC Action News. “Most people give back the same energy you give to them.”
Tobi is a 15-year-old from New York City who was befriended by Johnson.
“I was just surprised someone was this nice to me,” said Tobi who went to the homecoming dance with her.
For students like Elio, they know what it’s like to be an outcast. He was bullied for most of his life due to his skin condition. So, he was really happy when he became friends with Chris when he started a new school.

“When you have a skin condition, it affects a lot of things, like how people treat you,” says Elio. “To have a friend like Chris, it feels good. Treat others the way you want to be treated and you’ll have a good time!”
For a long time, society and media told us what was considered “normal,” acceptable, and right leaving those who didn’t fit the mold to be outcasted and/or picked on.
But these kids weren’t taught that. They were taught kindness and that everyone deserves respect. And these are the kids that are going to change the world. People can argue about gun laws but this is one of the most effective ways to stop violence in school at its root.

“Strengthening young people’s abilities to effectively solve difficulties that arise and their opportunities to participate in prosocial activities can significantly reduce the risk for violence,” the CDC reports. “Positive relationships between students and their prosocial peers, teachers, and families can be critical assets in promoting youth’s well-being and preventing school violence.”
I can’t wait to see the kind of beautiful world these kids are going to create. You can learn more about this story and meet these awesome kids for yourself in the video below.
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