Many of us have dealt with the hassle that comes after a massive snowfall.
Waking up in the morning and realizing you’ll have to spend lots of time out in the cold, shoveling the heavy snow before being able to drive is a huge headache.

For one neighborhood in Centennial Colorado, however, they woke up to the complete opposite.
Everyone thought they would have to wake up extra early in order to dig themselves out of the snow, but when they looked outside they realized it had already been done.
And not just on their house, the entire neighborhood had been cleared.

Very early in the morning, 6 teenage boys from a local youth group decided they would serve their neighbors and do all the shoveling for them.
The boys did the 53 houses on their block.
And they did it all; patios, steps, driveways, and even all the sidewalks.

The ringleader of the boys, Nick Mirabella, explains why they decided to do this.
“We just felt like it was a really good idea to serve the whole neighborhood and shovel as many driveways as we could,” he told KUSA.
One of the homeowners who awoke to their driveway completely clear says that she wanted to pay them for the work.

“I was going to go out and offer them money,” the woman said, “they didn’t want money so I brought them hot chocolate.”
Once all the houses on the street were cleared, the boys finally got to relax.
They wanted to take advantage of the snowy weather, and all the boys grabbed their sleds and went to a big nearby hill and spent the rest of the afternoon racing down the hill.

They even built a little ramp and would jump off that to catch some air before landing and sliding the rest of the way to the bottom.
Many of the neighbors don’t even know who did all the work as the boys left nothing to show that it was them.
They simply put fliers on every door saying that they had been “served” and spreading their love of Christ.

The boys wanted to do something nice for their community and didn’t expect anything in return, they just wanted people to pay it forward.
If you have never heard that expression, it means to respond to someone’s kindness to you by being kind to someone else.
There are many ways to do this; pay for the coffee of the person in line behind you, help a busy family member by running an errand for them, or even leave some coupons at the grocery store near their corresponding item.

Paying it forward is being nice just for the sake of being nice, not wanting or expecting anything in return.
April 30th is ‘Pay it Forward’ day.
Celebrate by doing anything you can think of that you think someone else would appreciate.

People online have been applauding the teens for their good deed, leaving comments like:
“This brought me to tears – such a wonderful thing for these young men to do. You know for sure their children will be taught right and what is truly important in life.”
Another wrote:
Meet one of the boys and his grateful neighbor in the video below!
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