Millions of songs have tried to define love. A group of kids tried to do exactly the same thing.
Kids learn about love from day one. It’s an unavoidable subject.

Just think, almost every kids’ movie has a love story. So naturally, kids soon become experts on the subject of love thanks to Shrek and Fiona, Wall-E and Eve and The Beauty and The Beast, right?
Not exactly.
Jimmy Kimmel decided to ask kids to explain exactly what love is. And their answers are pretty darn hilarious.

For example, when the reporter asked one young girl, “What do people who are loving each other do?” she responded by saying, “They be gross.”
Then she asked a boy what someone should do if they want to be in love. His response was, “Go to a woman casino.”

Next, the reporter spoke to a really young boy.
He explained that he liked to do it all the time, with it being play legos, of course.

Then the reporter asked him if he had a girlfriend. He responded with a confident, “Yes.” He went on to explain that his girlfriend was named Isabella and that he liked her hair and her beautiful voice. Ok, this kid’s definitely in love.
She then spoke to a girl who said that she wasn’t into love anymore, which was funny, as she was wearing a hoodie with hearts on it.

You’d think someone who was wearing that outfit would indeed be into love. But apparently not.
She elaborated that marriage and all of that stuff held no appeal to her. Instead, she said that she wanted to be single for a time. To be fair to her, there is really no rush!
When the reporter asked another little boy what love is, he responded, “I can do kicks!”

He then demonstrated his kicks for the show. And if he loves kicks, then that’s a pretty good demonstration of love!
The comical footage was posted on YouTube, where it soon went viral. To date, it has gained almost 9 million views. It also has more than 137,000 likes.
The footage is funny, but it has to make you wonder about when kids actually do begin to form a concrete understanding of love.
Psychology Today did an experiment kind of like the Jimmy Kimmel video, except they weren’t aiming for laughs.

But the answers were still adorable. They asked over 30 preschoolers what they thought about love. Here are some of their answers:
Three-year-olds said that love was, “Special,” “A heart,” “Giving people a hug,” “Balloons” and “Puppies.”

Four-year-olds defined love as being, “Candy and fruit, because they are sweet,” “My brother going nuts,” and “When you love everyone.” Five-year-olds said that love was, “When Mia (my puppy) hugs and kisses me,” “My dad,” “Happy feelings. Sharing” and “Being kind.”
It just goes to show that it’s important to teach children about love. They are taking in everything they see and hear. The sooner they learn to express their feelings, the better.
You can watch Jimmy Kimmel’s laugh-out-loud video below!
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