Acts of Kindness
Texas Waiter Is Left A Big Tip Of $500 For His Act Of Kindness
A family left a $500 tip after paying a $0.37 check for flavored water.
Patricia Lynn

Give credit where credit is due. A Texas waiter, Kasey Simmons, was shocked when he was left with a tip of $500 on a bill totaling less than a dollar. The waiter at Dallas-area Applebee’s said it had to be a joke, “There is no way,” but just wait until you see what was written on the note.

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CNN News

“They ordered the cheapest thing on the menu,” Simmons said. “Flavored water.” The bill came out to 37 cents and the tip was $500.

It wasn’t until the 32 year-old waiter read the letter left with the tip that he thought, “This $500 tip is for real, dude!”

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CNN News

The note on the napkin explained why Kasey deserved this $500…

Simmons cried a bit as he read the message.

The note reads, “On behalf of the Sullivan family, I want to thank you for being the person you are. On one of the most depressing days of the year, (the death of my father’s 3 year anniversary) you made my mother’s day wonderful. She has been smiling since you did what you did.”

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CNN News

Simmons thinks back a day prior, he was shopping at his local grocery store and in the checkout line, he noticed an older woman clearly saddened by something. Others passed by the lady, but Simmons approached her.

He asked the woman why she was sad but she was reluctant to tell him. Although he didn’t find out why, Simmons still cheered up the lady and even paid for her groceries. He said, “It was only $17, but it’s not about the money, it’s about showing someone you care.”

The tip was apparently left from the woman’s grateful daughter. The note on the napkin described why the mother was depressed as she tried to go about her day but that day marked the third anniversary of her late husband…

What a wonderful story to hear about people just being people. With all the bad news floating around the public, it really just shows you that there are good people out there. Give credit where credit is due, an applause to you- Kasey Simmons.
