Are you familiar with Judge Frank Caprio?
The Providence, Rhode Island-based judge has been dubbed the “Nicest Judge in the World.”
He has been serving as a Municipal Court Judge in Providence since 1985 and this is the court that we watch on his online channel.

Judge Caprio hears real cases and people.
It might seem like it could be scripted, but they’re real. He might joke with the people, but he is still there to make a decision about their future.
“I’m not here on the court to be an entertainer…my primary role is to do justice,” Judge Caprio wrote on his website.

One case involved a young man. What was the crime? Parking violations.
Daniel Murray had 7 violations.
This included five 5 tickets. According to Judge Caprio, he had a total of $250 in fees and fines to pay.
Not knowing how he was going to pay it, he just replied, “Thank you, your Honor.”

Then he asked for some flexibility.
“One quick question, Your Honor, is there any way – can that be deferred a little bit? I’m just in a bit of a financial situation,” Daniel asked.

Judge Caprio asked how much he could pay.
“I have 92 cents in my account,” Daniel confessed. “I just walked from East Providence this morning to get over here.”

Daniel lives 5 miles from the courthouse.
He had no vehicle though and no money for any public transportation. So he walked five miles to the courthouse.
It took him an hour and a half to get there. Judge Caprio asked if he could take an Uber to go home.
Daniel said he didn’t have the money and he was just going to walk back home again.
He doesn’t have money because all his money is spent on the youth lacrosse programs that he runs.

Judge Caprio decided to help Daniel.
He gave Daniel $25 so he could take an Uber back home so he didn’t have to walk. Daniel was super grateful.
“Thank you very much. You saved me a great deal of time today – and money,” Daniel said.

Judge Caprio wasn’t finished though.
He further explained that he founded the Filomena Fund, named after his mother.
People all over the world send money to the Filomena Fund to help out people going through tough times.
Judge Caprio said he intended to use a portion of these funds to pay for Daniel’s fines. All of them.

Daniel was speechless. He couldn’t believe what the judge did.
He already couldn’t believe that Judge Caprio was giving him $25. Now, he’s also paying for Daniel’s $250 fine as well.
Judge Caprio had one condition though.
“That’s our part, you have to do your part,” Judge Caprio continued. “You have to help somebody else. There are an awful lot of people out there who have similar problems and you are going to be in a situation to help them. Don’t forget them. Remember how you felt? So you have to give back.”

What a blessing for this man to have entered Judge Caprio’s courthouse.
More people are going to be blessed now because of this special stipulation.
See the blessed exchange between Judge Caprio and Daniel in the video below!
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