Acts of Kindness
Realtor Son Refurbishes Home For A Year And Then Surprises His Mom By Giving It To Her
This son wanted to do something special for his mom who did so much for him, and he succeeded!
Jonathan Maes

Josh DeShong from Dallas, Texas is a respected real estate agent. He found a lovely home a year ago that would be perfect for his mother, but it needed some work. He spent a year renovating the entire place, and when it was finally ready, he presented it to his mother.

His mom Vickie Reynolds raised Josh as a single parent and he is forever grateful for that. “It was always a dream of mine to take care of her like she’s been able to take care of me,” he said in an interview with InsideEdition. “What bigger gift could you give somebody than a roof over their head?”

Josh DeShong, Inside Edition
Josh DeShong, Inside Edition

Josh wanted to gift her the house in a totally surprising fashion. He took his mother on a tour of the home, claiming it was just a house for his real estate business. She quickly admired the place and especially adored the kitchen, and a bit later he quickly says that the home was hers to keep.

Josh and Vickie have been living in Plano in the past, but Josh moved away so that he could be closer to Harper, his 4-year daughter. The moment Josh saw a place that could be renovated and be created into a dream house, he decided to purchase it and renovate it.

“The city condemned the house,” Josh said. “There was floor-to-ceiling black mold everywhere, it needed new wiring, new plumbing. It was way worse than I anticipated. I should have just knocked it down.”

Josh filmed his mom’s reaction to the house and it’s priceless as she burst into tears and hugged him. He started putting materials in the house for a couple of months and had mentioned the place to his mother a couple of times, but she had no idea that the house would actually be hers.

Josh DeShong, Inside Edition
Josh DeShong, Inside Edition

Vickie now only lives about ten minutes away from Josh and Harper. “She loves it”, says a happy Josh.

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