Acts of Kindness
John Cena surprises fan with down syndrome who fled Ukraine by making his dream come true
This is so sweet!
Ma Fatima Garcia

Countless people have suffered because of the ongoing war.

Kids were forced to grow up and face the hard life of hiding and praying for their dear life. Parents are constantly worried for their children’s safety.

For those who have the resources, fleeing is one of their best options.

Pexels / Алесь Усцінаў
Pexels / Алесь Усцінаў

Just like what happened to Misha Rohozhyn and his family. The family left their home in Mariupol when it was destroyed by the war.

Liana Rohozhyn, Misha’s mother, said his son has Down syndrome and is non-verbal.

She knew that even though Misha can’t talk; he was worried and scared.

YouTube Screenshot / WWE
YouTube Screenshot / WWE

A mother knows what’s best for her son, but she also knew that the war and fleeing from their motherland would have a devastating effect on her son.

To lessen her son’s worry, she told him they were going to see his favorite person, his hero, John Cena.

Misha was so excited!

YouTube Screenshot / WWE
YouTube Screenshot / WWE

However, Liana made up this story for his son. She hoped her son would forget about it soon.

What Liana didn’t know was that John Cena came across their touching story.

“When I read about Misha’s story, it reached out to me. Not just Misha’s story but Misha’s mom as well,” Cena recalled in his interview with WWE.

YouTube Screenshot / WWE
YouTube Screenshot / WWE

The family’s story moved the WWE superstar, and he was aware of the war that was going on.

“Having three days off from work right at the time when I read this story, and being an hour away by air, it turned immediately into, ‘We’re going,’” said Cena.

Last Saturday, June 5th, just outside Amsterdam, John Cena went to Misha’s home.

YouTube Screenshot / WWE
YouTube Screenshot / WWE

There, upon seeing him, Liana burst into tears.

Misha’s mom said thanks to Cena many times, and we know why. For a mother who loves her son, seeing him smile for the first time since the war was priceless.

Misha’s eyes sparkled.

YouTube Screenshot / WWE
YouTube Screenshot / WWE

This young man may not speak, but his eyes showed us everything.

He was so happy to be with his hero. He got to spend the entire afternoon with him, and they bonded like father and son.

They ate cake and spent time building blocks, not just with Misha, but also with other kids.

YouTube Screenshot / WWE
YouTube Screenshot / WWE

It was an afternoon well spent.

“Misha’s ability to embrace persistence. That’s extraordinary. Those words ‘never give up,’ we’ve all thought about those in our life, they’re very powerful and I think Misha is a great example,” Cena said to WWE.

YouTube Screenshot / WWE
YouTube Screenshot / WWE

Indeed, the people who are consistently fighting to survive, especially during this war, are extraordinary.

“Misha’s mom, they’re two great examples of how persistence can lead to joy even during the toughest of times.”

We couldn’t agree more.

YouTube Screenshot / WWE
YouTube Screenshot / WWE

To end the day, Cena gave Misha his branded shirt with the words, “Never Give Up” catchphrase. He also gave him a matching cap and of course, his own WWE Championship belt.

Because, Misha, you’re a champion!

YouTube Screenshot / WWE
YouTube Screenshot / WWE

To everyone fighting their battles, like Misha and his family, you’re all champs.

Watch the beautiful story below and don’t forget to share this with all your brave friends and family.

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