Life seems to surprise you in the most unexpected ways. There could be times when it’s all sunshine and rainbows and the day is treating you like nothing could go wrong.
Then next thing you know, you may suffer an unexpected convulsion, have an obstruction of oxygen to your head, and then suddenly lose consciousness out of nowhere.
That was the case for a jail guard named Gary Grimm who suffered a massive heart attack as he was guarding inmates that were locked behind a jail cell. Just when Gary believed his life was about to perish, the inexplicable happens as the inmates muster their force of will to try and save the dying man.

“If they wished harm on me all they would had to do is sit there and do nothing” Gary said as he tried to recollect his memory from that fateful day.
Grimm was assigned to monitor Parker County, Texas, inmates in a holding cell in the basement of the Parker County District Courthouse on June 23, 2016. Things seemed like a pretty normal day all things considered until the unexpected happened.
In a moment’s notice, Gary began to slump on his chair losing stability to sit down. The inmates believed that it was an act at first and that it was not an emergency.

Things quickly escalated once Gary fell to the ground and quickly lost consciousness. The inmates were struck by shock and suddenly began to make noises and banging on the cell in order to help the officer in distress.
Luckily the commotion from the inmates was able to cause them to break free out of their cell and notify the nearby deputies of the emergency. The deputies then called first responders who rushed to the scene to help out Gary in his time of need.

“Instead of overtaking me and taking my gun and killing me or taking somebody hostage or whatever, and escaping they looked at me as a human being.”
Gary was taken to the hospital shortly after he was given aid. He later found out that the inmates were then transferred to a different facility after the incident. He never got to thank the inmates personally for their brave deed that day.
Gary tends to tear up every time he is reminded of that fateful day. He constantly wonders what would have happened if the inmates did not come in to save his life. Gary says he tears up every time he thinks about what could have been.

“I don’t care if they’re a drug user, hot check writer, or child molester. They’re still a human being. I don’t have to like what they did, but it’s not my position to be the judge and jury,” Grimm said.
This is another reminder as to how fleeting life can be. It’s important to live in the present and to cherish the moments that come by.
At the age of 52, Gary decided to medically retire in December due to his ongoing heart condition. He is set to undergo open-heart surgery in order to get Left Ventricle Assistance Device or LVAD for short.

Friends and family of Gary have started a GoFundMe page in hopes of raising enough money for Gary to go through with his procedure.
Be sure to check out Gary’s complete story down below
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