Love can find you no matter what age you are, or even when you think you won’t fall in love anymore.

At 73 years old, Ron Hill is already a widower whose wife passed away a few years ago. After the loss of his wife, the elderly man wanted to get out of the house and do something worthwhile.
He ended up volunteering at HCA Healthcare’s Trident Medical Center in Charleston, South Carolina. His shift was every Wednesday, and he made sure he was always there to do his duties.
Ron thought he wouldn’t find love again until he met Pat.

On the other hand, 78-year-old widow Pat LoPresti also decided to volunteer at the same hospital, not knowing that somewhere in that place was a man she was destined to meet and fall in love with. Her shift was Thursday, so she and Ron actually did not meet when they started volunteering.
And then the pandemic happened. Both widowed volunteers were advised to discontinue their services for health reasons and the two did not meet until finally, in March 2021, volunteers were welcomed again at the hospital.

Pat and Ron met for the very first time.
Pat was glad to be back at the hospital but she did not expect that something would change her life forever at the party. She stumbled upon Ron, also a widowed volunteer, and the two made friends.
“We discovered we both got transferred to Mondays and neither of us worked on a Monday before,” Pat said in their interview with CBS News. “You worked Monday morning and I worked Monday afternoon and we would both have lunch together.”

Volunteering on the same day of the week seemed to be something done by fate. It made them more acquainted with each other and find time to be together.
“And what do you always say?” Pat asked Ron. “It’s got to be the man upstairs who put us together for a reason,” he replied.
After so many years, the two of them are finally back on the dating scene.

It has been a long time, and dating might be something that they might have not entertained at first. However, the pair decided to give it a try.
“We never gave it a thought,” Pat said. “Here we were, both widows, thinking we were going to be OK if we were alone for the rest of our lives. We had friends, we had family, we had fellow volunteers. We were going to be OK. And then — surprise — we bumped into each other.”
For their first date, Ron brought Pat to Middleton Place Gardens. The beautiful place is a National Historic Landmark and America’s oldest landscaped gardens. It was a memorable first date, indeed.

Pat could only laugh as she remembers how they parted ways that day.
“We were both so shy that when we said goodbye, what did we do? We shook hands!” she said. “We were so bashful. And we laugh about it to this day, and I said, ‘This man is never going to call me again.'”
Pat was mistaken, though. The pair had more dates that followed their first. They even went to the Grand Canyon one time. On Thanksgiving Day, Ron took Pat back to the place of their first date and asked her to marry him.

On Valentine’s Day, the couple went back to the hospital where they volunteered where something amazing was waiting to happen.

The hospital prepared a red carpet treatment for the couple who just got engaged. It was a beautiful celebration that truly deserved the royal treatment.
Witness the couple’s sweet journey together by watching the video below!
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