Santa Rosa, California cop Jesse Whitten went beyond serving and protecting when he adopted a homeless woman’s baby. An ordinary day out on patrol became a beautiful story for the Whittens and the world.
Jesse has ten years under his belt with many more years to come. He befriended a pregnant, homeless woman with an addiction. There were times he’d find shelter for her.

One day, his wife Ashley joined him for a ride out on the streets. It was there she met the homeless woman.

When Ashley saw that the woman was with child, the homeless woman put Ashley’s hand on her belly. Little did Ashley know that a year later, she’d be carrying that child.

The Whittens have three girls all under eight years old.
It was in February that the homeless lady asked them to take her baby. Jesse and Ashley agreed even though they were concerned about the baby’s health. Such wonderful people.

With the mother’s addiction battle, there were concerns for the child’s general health.
Samurai Levi commented,
“Honestly, that mother who was addicted has my respects. Instead of keeping the baby and risking her life, she asked the family to adopt her. Not everyone can do that.”
He makes a valid point.

Another viewer says,
“Somehow, the birth mom could see through her self induced madness and noticing that this couple were good, stable and loving folks. And she took a wise decision about her daughters future. I respect her for that.”
See, a mother’s love is truly something else.

These parents are all praises for their new baby. Jesse says she has the sweetest disposition but also very engaged and observant. Who knows, maybe this baby girl is a future cop who will pay her dad’s kindness forward. Let’s all hope she does.
And during the hearing, all three sisters Reese, 7, Kendall, 5 and Stella, 3 give their unanimous yes to the judge, solidifying their newly adopted sister as part of the Whitten family.

Baby Harlow Maisey is now a Whitten! Her middle name was given by her biological mother which the Whittens kept to honor Harlow’s real mom.
“She’s so adorable. She will cry if she needs something, obviously as babies do, but as soon as we would touch her, she’d immediately stop crying. She knew right away that she was safe.”
Says her new father.

The best part is that they’re still in contact with Harlow’s biological mother. Ashley and Jesse make sure to share pictures of this beautiful baby girl with her. The Whittens will continue to advocate for foster children.
Ashley says that these kids are not broken. All they need is love. And there’s always plenty of that to go around. Ashley also shared that Harlow’s real mom wanted a better life for her daughter but knew she couldn’t give her that. So she turned to Jesse, full of trust, who came through for her.
Watch this wonderful story below!
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