Judge Frank Caprio has a pretty big following now on his YouTube channel for the surprisingly compassionate sentences that he gives to people.
And if you’ve never heard of him before, this latest story about him should paint a fairly good picture of what he’s like.
A young woman named Medina is being sentenced by Judge Frank Caprio, known for his kind and caring behavior.

We always know how Frank Caprio videos end, but that doesn’t make them any less heartwarming and fun to watch.
With so much toxicity and negative content polluting your feeds online, it’s nice to have videos like this to smile at every now and then.
Medina here isn’t too different from many other defendants that Judge Caprio has overseen.
She has technically violated the law, but not for reasons under her control.
As she tells him exactly what her situation was like. Medina is homeless.
She’s around 27 years old and has been moving from relative to relative to have a roof to sleep under.

When I tell you her situation was dire, I’m not exaggerating. Not even a little bit.
The woman had been living in her car up until recently.
She’s here because her car was booted and she couldn’t use it.
Not having transportation is plenty bad enough on its own.
That’s a lot worse when it doubles as your only roof to sleep under.

Medina shared precisely why she ended up in this situation.
She fought the urge to cry while telling Judge Caprio about her life.
She has escaped a stalker and has not been in school for 11 years due to her difficulties with life and her autism.
Her autism and relationship problems pushed her into a spiral of struggling until she ended up in this mess.
Judge Caprio is already all ears for the poor girl.
He’s repeatedly shown that his heart aches for the young people just trying to make ends meet.

So he finally gives her the sentence. And what is it?
The mandatory boot fee is $100. And on top of that, she’s got to pay $300 for the tickets.
“How much can you pay now?” asks Judge Caprio. With tears in her eyes, Medina says she only has $5 to her name.
Well, he can’t let her out like that.

So he pays off the $300 for her with money from the Filomena fund.
The Filomena fund is named after Judge Caprio’s mom, whom he probably got his kindness from.
And for the remaining $100, Judge Caprio gives her a month to earn money to pay it.
If the circumstances decide that she still can’t pay it by then, Judge Caprio says he’ll arrange to have it paid off too.

As he said all of this, his voice was nothing but gentle as he looked at Medina.
The same way he looks at many young people who come into his courtroom.

For the first time in forever, Medina smiled.
It warmed Judge Caprio’s heart and was the exact thing he wanted to see.
Now, she can leave without worrying about surviving another day. She got an offer for food from someone in the courtroom too.
Just how wholesome can this courtroom get?

Click the video below to see the wholesome moment for yourself.
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