Have you ever had a time in your life when you needed to make a split-second, life-or-death decision?
What if you weren’t really involved but your actions, or reactions, were vital to someone else’s story?

When Ron Nessman finished a job interview at his local Applebee’s, he did not anticipate that his next move would save a young life.
Ron was sitting on a bench outside a gas station after finishing a successful job interview when he witnessed something he couldn’t ignore.
In the parking lot was a woman and a baby in a stroller.

The woman was moving things around in her car and took her eyes off the stroller for all of 2 seconds when the unthinkable happened.
It was an extremely windy day in that parking lot in Hesperia, California and no one could have predicted what would happen next.
The stroller wasn’t locked properly and began to roll down the slight incline of the parking lot and into oncoming traffic.

The woman didn’t realize until the stroller was out of reach, and ended up falling down in her rush to grab it.
She hit the ground hard but got up quickly only to have her knees buckle on her and bring her down again.
The woman screamed as she could do nothing but watch the stroller roll down into the road.

That was when Ron stepped in.
He had seen the whole incident and, upon realizing that the woman wouldn’t be able to get up in time, he rushed forward and stopped the stroller mere feet from the busy road.
He called to the woman that the baby was ok and went back over to where she was now standing, crying her eyes out at what had almost just happened.

This was the beginning of good things to come for Ron as shortly after this incident, he found out he had gotten the job.
In an interview about the event, Ron explained that he had had a rough couple of years and was just trying to get back on his feet.
His girlfriend had passed away suddenly in 2018 and he had been depressed and living on the streets ever since.

He had only recently come back to Hesperia to reconnect with family and get back on his feet when this happened.
Some people who had heard about Ron’s story and the saving of the baby and they wanted to start some fundraisers for the man but he turned them down.
Ron says that he was grateful, but wants to earn his own money.

“I decided to get right.” the man says, “If you want something different in your life,” he went on, “you do something different and that’s where I’m at today.”
And he is definitely on the right track now for a bigger and better, and more importantly, different way of living.
Now with a full-time job to work at each day, and family and friends to spend time with, Ron is surely going to thrive.

Meet Ron the hero and hear about his story in the video linked below.
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