Life for Darrel has not been a bed of roses.
Although he tried to start a family and actually had his own kids, he was not the father figure he wanted to be for them.
He made mistakes and he’s regretting it to this day.

Homeless, and after having done time, he looked back and realized he should have known better.
He should have been there for his kids when they needed him the most. But, hopefully, it is never too late.

On Father’s Day in June this year, Darrel was outside a Dollar Tree store, counting dollars, trying to see if he had enough change to get something to eat.
And that’s when a stranger approached him and asked him if he was a father.
When he answered that he was, the stranger, later identified as public figure Jimmy Darts, wished him a happy Father’s Day.

“I’m homeless, I didn’t even know it was father’s day. I’m trying to get some food or change right now,” was the answer he got by Darrel.
The homeless man looked tired, but he was really so kind to the stranger he had just met.
Jimmy explained that his dad lives in Minnesota and he’d like to throw the ball with him just because his own father was not close by to have some father-son time together.

Darrel didn’t have to think twice. He got up and played catch with Jimmy- at some point, even another guy joined them in their game.
It was quite fun. And then, just when Darrel thought that was all and was heading back to his spot outside the store, Jimmy asked him the most serious question.

When Jimmy asked the homeless man for some dad advice, his voice changed.
He started getting emotional, although he tried to keep calm.
It was still obvious that the topic was painful to discuss.
“I wasn’t good to my kids,” he admitted. “I was locked up. I missed ten years of their life. So, stay out of trouble and just take care of your kids, man,” he advised.

Indeed, this was the most touching moment of Jimmy and Darrel’s encounter.
A man who had not been the best father, but who had obviously regretted, admitting he should have been more present in his kids’ lives. This is everything.
No wonder it broke hearts when the video was posted on social media.
“This is so heartwarmingly beautiful and sad at the same time,” someone commented.

But this is not how this story ended. Jimmy decided to thank the stranger for being kind and playing catch with him by giving him $500.
The man couldn’t believe it. He was so grateful.
Darrel was happy that he could now buy something to eat. This statement also touched the hearts of those who saw the video.

“‘I can go get me something to eat now!’ I can’t… that was amazing. I want to comment something about that but I don’t know what to say. I’m speechless.”
A man who has made mistakes, but who is now mature and wise enough to admit his mistakes and ready to fight for a better tomorrow for himself and his family.

Watch the heartwarming video below!
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