Sadly, some neighbors just don’t get along. In fact, some are just downright mean to each other. But then there’s the other end of the spectrum. You know, people who become best friends. Somewhere in the middle are neighbors who don’t like anything boring. That’s when the fun begins…you never know what’s going to happen.
As these 60 photos show, non-boring neighbors, keep things, well, let’s just say, interesting.
There’s something to be said about living in the country. You have open space, beautiful vegetation, and fresh air. Then again, you might have this on your neighbor’s property…quick, tell the kids to close their eyes.
Can you imagine having your neighbors post something like this on your door? Three questions. First, how many are in the “group.” Second, what did they see? Third, how long did it take them to leave this note?
This neighbor had a mirror installed in place of glass. According to the man’s daughter, he strongly dislikes the people next door. Gosh, we wonder what they did.
That was nice. Not only did the people upstairs give their neighbors fair warning but they also tried to get them drunk. Hopefully, everyone had a good time.
Okay, so picture this. One neighbor was going about their business when the little boy from next door rang the bell. All he wanted was a banana. How could anyone resist such an adorable kid?
We get the feeling these people weren’t too impressed with their neighbor’s request. But being neighborly, they obliged. Next time…the complainer might want to be more specific.
How nice to have neighbors who support each other. And even better, those who share. But the best of all are neighbors who step up to the plate in times like this.
When one neighbor has snowballs stored in their freezer, you have to wonder. Are the people living next door friends or enemies? Let’s hope they like each other.
It must be so nice living next to these people. Every Christmas, they decorate their palm tree with lights. It’s just a shame it’s shaped like a penis.
This is the guy that everyone loves, especially parents who need an occasional break. As a tractor enthusiast, he came up with a great idea. He gives children in the neighborhood rides to catch Pokémon.
Everyone’s entitled to have a religious preference. One person wanted theirs known by hanging a picture of Jesus on their door. The individual who put googly eyes on Jesus admitted they might be going to hell.
One neighbor thought by putting a cutout of “The Rock” by their door, people wouldn’t break into their house. The only problem…people love this guy, especially women. So, it might have the opposite effect.
13. Multi-seasonal yard decorations
Why buy new yard decorations for every season when you can just adjust what you already have to fit the current holiday? That’s what this person does. This is pretty boring for non-boring neighbors.
It seems this neighbor does this every time he gets drunk. On one hand, that’s disgusting. On the other hand, it’s hysterical.
We don’t know why this family didn’t get along with their neighbor. And we don’t care. When moving, they made a powerfully funny statement.
Regardless if these neighbors get along or not, they like the dog. So, when building a new fence, they did this. Now, the pup can still enjoy daily interactions.
17. A little over the top?
Did they expect anything different from their eccentric neighbor? This door is way over the top. Maybe, it’ll help increase real estate value in the community…maybe.
Sometimes, neighbor incidents don’t have anything to do with people. Here’s an example. This cat visits a neighbor’s home frequently just to stick its head in the window so it can scream at their kitty.
Apparently, this neighbor doesn’t understand the concept of Halloween. This is their interpretation of “scary.” At least he decorates his yard.
20. Welcome to the neighborhood
After settling in around the holiday season, an individual brought this to their neighbor. The cookies on the plate were fantastic. The warning on the bottom of the plate…not so much.
It seems you don’t need a plot of land to grow plants. Instead, you can do what this neighbor does. Just grow them in the back of a trunk…watering and all.
Why would someone put dozens of miniature cow signs in their yard? We’ll never know. There’s nothing like making the neighborhood more interesting.
23. Discreet announcement
Perhaps this neighbor deserves an award. First, it’s sweet they acknowledged a loved one’s birthday. Second, they were kind enough to keep the person’s birthday discreet…sort of.
24. Looking out for one another
Well, isn’t that nice? Here you have one neighbor looking out for another. But perhaps they should wear earplugs and mind their own business.
This homeowner had a small crater in their yard. We’re not sure but it might’ve been made by a dog. Regardless, their neighbor decided to put a Thor-like hammer inside of it just for fun.
26. A little privacy, please
One neighbor obviously felt they needed more privacy. That’s fine. But this…it’s hideous.
Look closely at the window on the top right. This neighbor is anything but boring. Actually, he’s scaring everyone in the neighborhood.
It’s more like a proud soccer family. We get it, these people love the sport. But we’re pretty sure all of the neighbors aren’t too happy with this display.
This is a message to all neighbors. If you’re going to name your WIFI, you might want to choose the name wisely. Otherwise, everyone around you will know more about you than perhaps you wanted.
30. Are you listening, Bob?
It seems as though one neighbor wanted Bob to paint his fence. So, he did. Just not in the way the neighbor anticipated.
One neighbor was respectful of others by letting them know they’d be filming a movie at their house. But this wasn’t what anyone expected. Too much information.
You have to love whoever lives at this address. Okay, it’s definitely a redneck move. But it’s also a genius way to repurpose.
After using black tape to seal a crack on the trash can, the neighbor followed suit. The funny part, they thought the stripe was a number.
34. A great place to hang out
As these critters show, they enjoy hanging out at the neighbor’s house. The person who lives next door thinks they’re cute. As long as they stay on the other person’s property.
Have you ever wondered what your neighbors think about you? This person questioned the same thing. But now, they know the truth with no uncertainty.
Everyone has a bad day now and then. That’s what this person was dealing with. But then, they looked in their neighbor’s yard and saw this. What started as a bad day turned into a great one.
…but no answers. If this guy wants to have a conversation with a bunch of watermelons, that’s okay. But the next time, he might want to close the blinds.
As one person explained, their neighbor is notorious for doing some strange things. Case in point…leaving the sprinkler system on with freezing temperatures outside. At least it’s pretty.
Looking over at a neighbor’s backyard, this is what one person saw. That put a smile on their face. But they questioned how a dog can sit like that? We’d like to know that too.
A dinosaur? In someone’s back yard? That’s definitely unique but at the same time, it’s pretty awesome.
Whoever lives next door to this pup’s house is very lucky. They have a beautiful creature who’s ready to greet them when they come home. We’re feeling a little jealous.
This looks like it’s coming straight out of the Twilight Zone. How bizarre is this? Hopefully, the two neighbors aren’t as divided as the lawns.
Here you have two apartment balconies. The one on the top is where two guys live. The one on the bottom is where girls reside. Talk about a great divide.
The turbine on one house was super loud. So, the neighbor took care of the problem. Why didn’t they just knock on the door to discuss the matter? Just curious.
It’s often hard for a neighbor to ask another neighbor to pick up their cigarette butts. But this person came up with a brilliant plan. It’s all about the safety and good health of this cute cat.
In one neighborhood, this couple takes a daily walk. Of course, their parrots have to come along. Personally, we think this is pretty cool. We want a neighbor like this.
One of the great things about growing a garden is that people can decorate it any way they want. But what about this? The neighbor thought it was rather odd.
For this man, English isn’t his native language. His neighbor tried to explain to him how a scarecrow would help keep birds out of his plants. So, he put up his version of one…too funny.
If you don’t smoke pot, this would be bothersome. So, the neighbor left a very pointed note on their door. Maybe they should do what their neighbors do…it might eliminate the stress.
50. Meeting new neighbors
In this case, the meet and greet involved animals. One family has rabbits and the other a cat. It looks as though the rabbits are making a big impact on the kitty…look at it jump.
This person didn’t think one note would do. So, they added two more. But here’s a question…does the neighbor have access to their home?
While some neighbors are friendly, others aren’t. This individual makes it perfectly clear they don’t want visitors. If the person across the way is smart, they’ll pay heed.
People change things outside of their home all the time. But for one person, they noticed something weird in their neighbor’s yard. Why in the heck is there a police box?
Few things are worse than having nosey neighborhoods. But here’s an exception. These two can be as nosey as they want.
Even if the humans don’t get along, their pups do. They like each other so much that they do this daily. Hey people, take note.
How awesome would it be to have neighbors who constantly play pranks on one another? That’s the pleasure of one person. Their neighbors? A police department and fire station sitting side-by-side.
There’s always that one neighbor. Instead of building a traditional snowman like Frosty, they had a different idea. They went for a dinosaur. Poor thing looks quite sickly.
Even if these upstairs and downstairs neighbors get along famously, this would be an issue. It appears they were trying to fix something. Yeah, they should’ve gone with a shorter drill bit.
Gosh, we wish we knew the backstory on this. What we do know is that while looking out their front window, an individual saw one neighbor do this to another neighbor. There has to something hilarious going on here.
Dog owners love their pets. They spoil them rotten and spend as much time with them as possible. This neighbor…they might’ve overdone things just a tad. They wanted the entire neighborhood to know their Corgi is extra special.