Acts of Kindness
Hiker hears “cries for help” in woods and helps 1-armed woman rescue her mom
When he got to her she was saying "I've got her by the foot." They're lucky to be alive.
Elijah Chan

A man found himself at the right place at exactly the right time when a dire situation unfolded.

It was just about a mile from Multnomah Falls.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

Taylor Root was hiking through the trails with his GoPro as he was collecting footage for his YouTube channel. Then, he heard something truly terrifying.

Ahead of him, he heard faint cries for help.

In his GoPro footage, you can see Root suddenly pick up the pace to get to where the sound was coming from as quickly as he could.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

Then he saw a woman hunched over the edge of a cliff.

She was desperately calling for help while she was struggling to hold onto her mother.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

The daughter held on with everything she’s got and in a heartbreaking moment, you can hear the mother ask her daughter to just let go so she wouldn’t endanger them both.

Root refused to let her mom go. It just wasn’t an option.

He quickly got down on the ground and reached for the mother.

To stabilize the situation and to give them more room to maneuver, Root asked the daughter to hold onto both her mother’s feet.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

The girl could only reply with, “I can’t. I only have one arm.”

He then relieved the daughter so she could rest and coach her mom.

Root gave instructions while the daughter calmed her mother down.

When Root got both of the woman’s arms, he hoisted her up with all his might. But it was just one part of the rescue as it only gave the mother a chance to latch on the edge with her arms.

Facebook - Taylor Root
Facebook - Taylor Root

Root then told the mother what he was about to do – that he was about to pull her up by the armpits so she needed to brace herself.

With one final heave, Root successfully pulled the mother to safety.

The women thanked Root profusely. Meanwhile, the avid hiker found it surreal that he was at the right place at the right time.

Facebook - Taylor Root
Facebook - Taylor Root

As if the coincidence was not enough, Root shared with local news outlets that he even received a prophetic fortune cookie.

The message said, “You will have an opportunity to shine this week.” And as Root said, the cookies are right every time.

People all over the internet also lauded the mother and daughter.

“The mother willing to die instead of risking her daughter’s life; the daughter not willing to let go.

The beauty of healthy parent-child relationships is breathtaking.” Said one commenter.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

“This is amazing.” Said another. “He’s amazing because he managed to save the life of a stranger.

The daughter is amazing because she was able to save her mother with only one arm.

And the mother is amazing because she didn’t hesitate to sacrifice her own life to save her daughter.”

Multnomah Falls is one of the most visited sites in the Pacific Northwest.

According to government sources, the site receives over two million visitors each year. The gorge is about 80 miles and can have varying elevations.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

The US Forest Service maintains that visitors should observe safety at all times.

See this man help a one-armed woman save her mom from a fatal situation below!

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