Because of the pandemic, businesses are going through a stressful time. Everyone is affected, and sadly, even some of the well-known establishments that we know of are closing down.
Nighttown, a local restaurant in Cleveland, Ohio, unexpectedly received a surprise on the day that they were set to close temporarily.

Like other businesses that were being affected by Covid-19, Nighttown decided that they should temporarily close until everything was cleared out.
The owner and the workers at Nighttown were experiencing a stressful phase, especially with the rising number of cases everywhere. Aside from that, it’s the holiday season, and closing a business will definitely have a huge impact not just on the owner but on its employees as well.

“We’ve actually had a really, really good summer. People have supported us unbelievably,” Brendan Ring, the owner of Nighttown said in his interview with ABC 5. “That’s what made it even more difficult for me to make the decision to hit the pause button here again until the complications are sort of under control.”
It was a hard decision for him. It’s not just about the business. It was about his employees as well.
However, something unexpected happened one Sunday afternoon.

A man in his 30’s came in, and he ordered the ‘Stella Artois,’ which costs exactly $7.50. He took two small sips and decided to settle his bill immediately.
He got his pen and signed his check, and then, the Good Samaritan, who chose to remain anonymous, handed his credit card receipt to Brendan.
The man said to ‘split that among the wait staff,’ Brendan recalled.

Brendan then looked at the tip amount, and he was surprised as he looked at it and saw that it seemed to be a $300 tip. He even said to himself that it was a nice tip for someone who just had one beer.
“Then I put my reading glasses on. My eyes almost popped out of my head,” Brendan recalled. It was just then that he saw how much the tip was!
It wasn’t just $300; it was, in fact, $3000!
The man didn’t go to Nighttown to drink; he went there to generously leave a $3,000 tip for everyone. He knew that they were set to close that day, and as a semi-regular customer for Nighttown, he’s one of those people who value the store.

For all those who want to know how big that is, then it’s a whopping 42,735% tip!
“One girl point blank didn’t believe what she was staring at,” Brendan said. “She said, ‘No, that’s not real.’”
When Brendan realized how big it was, he went out and ran after the customer. There must have been a mistake, he thought. When he was able to talk to the man, he confirmed that he really intended to give the tip to them.

“That gentleman that left a tip yesterday, he’d be indicative of the type of customer we have here in Cleveland Heights. Just true, loyal and giving,” Brendan said.
Heather Sandow, Nighttown bartender shared that for the last 25 years in the business, the customers and staff have already known and trust each other. The relationship that the staff and the customers have is what makes Nighttown special.
True enough, this beautiful story proves it.

“It’s not all about money. I think personally, it’s more about the gesture that was made and the unselfishness that was demonstrated,” Heather said. “The customers have been coming here over the years. They do care about us.”
If you have worked in the service industry, may it be for food service or delivery, receiving a tip, no matter how small, is definitely something that will make you smile.

It’s not just about the money; it’s the thought that this person appreciates your effort – your work.
As Nighttown temporarily closes its doors of relaxation, laughter, beers, food, and friendship, they promise to their beloved customers that they are planning for the future. They are still hopeful to get back to business, to once more see the beautiful smiles of their beloved customers.
“We’ll be back. We’ll see you on the other side of this,” Brendan said to everyone. “And here’s a little something extra to get you along.”

He then decided to post the act of kindness that surprised them all on Facebook. He shared what happened that day, and everyone who read the post was touched by this person’s gesture.
“All my waitstaff and myself and humbly grateful for this incredibly kind and grand gesture,” Brendan Ring posted on his Facebook post.

What a beautiful story! We’re hoping that all the business that has been greatly affected by this pandemic recovers. We hope that all of us recover from this trial. These types of stories is what makes us hope for a better future, and to continue being kind with each other.
Watch the featured news about this amazing story here.
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