Acts of Kindness
Guy Caught Cheating Is Taught Lesson In Hilarious Fashion
This is too funny. I hope AJ learned his lesson!
Ashley Fike

Hey, everyone! Guess what? Cheating is bad! So, knock it off. Not only is it an awful thing to do, but, you also run the risk of being this guy — and no one wants to be this guy.

A student at Ohio State University, named ‘AJ,’ sent some flirty texts to a girl on campus. A girl that wasn’t his girlfriend.

Sadly for AJ, he sent those risky texts to the wrong girl. She wasn’t a big fan of the fact that he was so ready and willing to cheat on his girlfriend. So, what did she do? Put it on the internet of course!

The girl decided to post the conversation on the school’s public Snapchat group. The entire student body decided to chime in on what they thought of AJ’s unfaithful ways.

After putting their flirtatious conversation on the school’s public Snapchat group — a total internet meltdown ensued.

Let’s delve into the total disaster that AJ created by attempting to cheat on his girlfriend. Let this be a lesson to us all.

First, here is the original Snapchat conversation in question.

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Bored Panda

As you can imagine, it didn’t go well for AJ from here.

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Bored Panda

Other ‘AJs’ were not okay with this guy.

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Then? AJ’s true identity was revealed and people went berserk on the guy.

PS. His name is blurred out here to not further damage the guy’s already severely damaged reputation. But if you’re curious, you’re on the internet so, you can look it up.

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Bored Panda

It wasn’t long until people tracked down his social media accounts. Things just escalated from there.

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Bored Panda

Of course, they had to start dragging the actual girlfriend into this mess.

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And what’s internet trolling without a few memes?

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As if life couldn’t get any worse for AJ, it did. The entire world starting chiming in on a collaborative ‘F*ck AJ’ Snapchat roast.

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AJ’s fateful mistake is one that everyone should learn from. Don’t be a cheater. Otherwise? You’ll have the wrath of the entire internet upon you.

We’re certain AJ has crawled into a hole and won’t be emerging for quite some time. We don’t think he’ll be cheating on any future girlfriends…if he can get future girlfriends.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Bored Panda
Bored Panda
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