Acts of Kindness
Mechanic Surprises Grieving Mom With A Car
This stranger saw a grieving mother in need and did something to help
Arianna Etemadieh

As you go on your daily commute to your usual destination, whether it be work, school, or anything in between, do you ever wonder about the people around you? About the person in the lane next to you, or the fellow commuters on the bus or train, or even people walking by the street?

What is their story?

One man by the name of Richard Newberry, owner of Spooner’s Tires and Auto shop in St. Petersburg, Florida, happened to notice a woman walking by his auto shop every single day.

He silently acknowledged her, though she was unaware that she was noticed – until one fateful day.

Ernestina Nuñez is the woman that would walk by Spooner’s Tires and Auto shop every single day. She works as a high school janitor and walks one mile to get to work while holding heavy bags of her equipment.


One day, Ernestina stopped in front of Richard’s auto shop. She then broke down in tears, saying she had “nothing to live for”.

Richard, recognizing Ernestina, immediately rushed over to console her. That is when he learned of the terrible grief Ernestina was suffering.

No parent should have to bury their child, but Ernestina had to undergo that experience.

Her son and only child, a 33-year-old Marine veteran named Daniel, suffered from PTSD when he came home from the war. He took his own life in 2015.

As any mother would, Ernestina became incredibly depressed after her son’s tragic passing. When she broke down in tears, she felt she’d hit rock bottom.

Seeing how desperate Ernestina was feeling, Richard decided to do something generous.

“We’re starting an early Christmas,” he said.

To help ease Ernestina’s troubles, Richard gifted her a car.


“You don’t believe me?” Richard says, going on Facebook Live to prove how sincere he is. “I’m giving you the car.”

Ernestina was overwhelmed by Richard’s generosity. She refused to take the car several times until she finally relented.

Richard’s generosity comes from a place of mutual understanding. Having had a troubled past himself, he knows what it feels like to want to give up.


But thanks to Richard’s incredible act of kindness, Ernestina can have a new appreciation for life.

It seems as though Richard was Ernestina’s silent guardian angel. What a hero.

Please SHARE this touching gesture with your friends and family.

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