Sick 92-yr-old grandpa invites granddaughter over for sleepover via text, “I’m not well & I miss you”
This broke my heart.
Irene Markianou

The bond that children have with their parents growing up is definitely unbreakable, and it goes without saying that mom and dad play a decisive role in the child’s developing personality.

Unsplash - Nathan Dumlao
Unsplash - Nathan Dumlao

But those who also develop strong bonds with children are their grandparents.

Grandmas and grandpas are those who love you unconditionally and, at the same time, don’t feel the responsibility to bring you up in a certain way- after all, this is your parents’ job.

Unsplash - Ekaterina Shakharova
Unsplash - Ekaterina Shakharova

This is why grandparents often spoil their grandchildren.

And, although parents may often need to put limits as to how much spoiling is allowed, kids will always have the best time with them.

You see, grandpas and grandmas love playing with their grandchildren, they enjoy reading to them, sharing their family history with them, and showing them the world through their eyes.

Unsplash - Johnny Cohen
Unsplash - Johnny Cohen

Sometimes, grandparents can be a child’s caregiver, especially in cases where both parents need to go to work and they cannot afford to send their toddler to daycare.

That’s when the bond becomes really strong.

In the case of Megan Elizabeth, her grandparents have always been much more than “decorative figures” in her life.

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You see, when she and her brothers were young, their parents couldn’t afford to buy a house of their own, so her grandparents took them all in.

A while later, the couple managed to buy the house right opposite the grandparent’s home, so the special bond the elderly couple had built with the children just went on growing stronger.

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Today, Megan’s grandpa is 92, and his health is declining. Since he lost his beloved wife a couple of years ago from Alzheimer’s, he’s been feeling more and more lonely, so Megan’s company has been his comfort.

A few months ago, she received a text message from him, saying that he was not feeling well and that he’d love it if she could join him for a sleepover.

Instagram - mevanhoy
Instagram - mevanhoy

Megan knows that her grandpa’s time left is not much, and she always try to cease any opportunity she gets to spend more quality time with him.

So, she immediately replied to his text and said she was coming. She even asked him if he’d like her to bring anything from the store.

YouTube - mevanhoy
YouTube - mevanhoy

The man, who has a sense of humor, asked her to bring some applesauce (the cinnamon kind), mashed potatoes, and strawberry ice cream. All of that is because he has no teeth, as he explained, and that’s the only thing he can eat.

Megan showed up at his door with the things he put on his list, as well as KFC.

They enjoyed their dinner and then watched his favorite mystery show.

The sweet grandpa later escorted his granddaughter to her room, which he had prepared the way he did when she was a little girl.

Instagram - mevanhoy
Instagram - mevanhoy

He’d even made sure to have a glass of water for the night next to her bed, and her favorite doll.

We’re not crying- you are!

Watch Megan’s video about her sleepover at grandpa’s below.

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