Parents go on trip not expecting hilarious text from Grandpa they won’t forget
They left "Paw Paw" in charge of babysitting their 8-month-old son. It didn't take long before the funny texts started coming in.
Jenny Brown

It’s easy to see why grandmas and grandpas are some of the best people on this planet.

For a lot of kids, they’re always the ones handing out extra cookies, bending rules, and filling birthday cards with cash.

Most importantly though – grandparents are loving, trustworthy, and guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Unsplash - Nikoline Arns
Unsplash - Nikoline Arns

When Stephanie Waterhouse and her husband were heading out of town, they knew their son Ty would be in good hands with his “PawPaw.”

But while on vacation they began receiving hilarious photos from back home via text.

Stephanie decided to share them with the world, and now the internet is cracking up over them all!

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America
YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

Stephanie asked her dad, David, if he could stay with their eight-month-old baby so they could go on a trip.

David (aka PawPaw) happily accepted the babysitting gig and flew up from Dallas, Texas to be with his grandson Ty.

Yet, little did the couple know – he’d planned out a funny surprise for them while they were away.

Unsplash - Mahrous Houses
Unsplash - Mahrous Houses

According to Stephanie, her dad isn’t a very high-tech guy.

She explained to GMA that he still carries around a flip phone that doesn’t have access to the internet.

So, when David wanted to send his daughter comical photos of her son Ty, he just had to get a little more creative!

Get ready to laugh at “Memes by PawPaw.”

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America
YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

Photos began rolling in from PawPaw through text.

Each one featured Ty lying next to a hilarious message printed on a piece of paper from his flip phone.

The time David spent planning and rehearsing for this moment must have been so arduous!

Unsplash - Alexander Andrews
Unsplash - Alexander Andrews

This, of course, took some pre-planning from David.

Before he left, he created the messages at home on his computer, because he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to work the family’s printer.

One of them read:

“Dad and Mom – I met a girl. Grandpa said that Godfather Danny would be proud. Love Ty”

Gotta love his creativity. And it’s so adorable seeing as he resorted to printouts. The old meets the new and it is hilarious!

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America
YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

David doesn’t have a Facebook page and his daughter reports that he’s unaware of “what a meme is.”

However, he’s apparently good at making his own from scratch!

PawPaw even passed over a question from Ty for the parents to ponder on their trip.

“Dad and Mom – We looked at Jeeps today. Can I get a license early? I liked the red one. Love Ty”

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America
YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

The two boys didn’t just stay cooped up in the house the entire time though.

David took his grandson on a little outing where they snapped a photo of the desired Jeep.

Nice choice, kid!

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America
YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

Now, David may be “low tech,” but he wasn’t always that way.

Stephanie told GMA:

“My dad is a recently retired Dallas Police Officer. He was actually the person who created the database that tracked information for the Dallas Police Department. The FBI took his idea and modeled one of their national databases after the one he created.”

Not bad for an old timer huh? They’ve put away so many crooks thanks to paw paw’s system!

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America
YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

Since her dad is a “funny” guy, Stephanie and her husband weren’t necessarily surprised once the photos started coming in.

One thing they did know for sure was that their son really was in good hands, and they could enjoy their vacation away.

“He [PawPaw] absolutely loves being a grandfather and loves spending time with Ty. I love that I’m able to just relax and know that my son is having the time of his life with his amazing Pawpaw.”

Isn’t this one cool grandpa? Watch the video below to get a closer look at PawPaw’s priceless “memes!”

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – Good Morning America, GMA
