It is not every day that a child is able to dance with their grandparents. It is especially rare to get the chance to dance with a grandparent on stage, too!
Of course, as we get older, participating in physical activities such as dancing gets a little more challenging. It’s not sad — your body just doesn’t move the way it used to. It’s part of life!
But this little girl, Maeve, got super lucky and was able to actually experience dancing with her grandpa. And not only did they dance together, but they danced together on stage in front of an audience and captured it on video so that the moment could last forever!

At only 10-years-old, Maeve was giving a killer performance with her grandpa, who was 72-years-old at the time.
We don’t know about you, but we think it is pretty rare to see a 72-year-old tap dancing, especially as good as this one!

The two actually had the chance to rehearse a couple of times before the performance as well. The more bonding time, the better!
All of the effort they put into rehearsing really showed too, because they both look like they have been tap dancing for their entire lives. It’s so inspiring to see that if you really take the time to put the work into it, anything is possible. It sounds cliché but it is absolutely true!

Initially, Maeve’s mother, Jaime, shared a short clip of their performance — which is done to “When I’m Gone” from Pitch Perfect — to her Instagram page. To her surprise, so many people loved it, which inspired her to upload the full clip for the whole world to see.
Their performance started out in a small room with a handful of people, and now it has nearly 3 million views.

“I posted a small clip of this yesterday on my Instagram and so many loved it I decided to share the entire dance,” Maeve’s mother wrote.
“This is my 10-year-old daughter Maeve tapping with her 72-year-old (yes amazing) grandfather (my father-in-law),” she continued. “Maeve asked her Gramps to enter a tap duo in her summer recital. After only 6 classes to learn and practice (choreographed by Elyse Williamson of From The Top Dance Center in Reading, MA) this is their recital performance.”

This has to be one pretty cool grandpa to agree to do something like this! And not only agree to do it, but actually turn out to be really good at it.
The two are both totally on the same page, dressed in casual blue and white outfits. They manage to tap in perfect unison the entire time too.

They are totally in sync. Even when they move away from each other, they are still on the same page.
We are pretty sure that if Pitch Perfect star Anna Kendrick saw this performance, she would be so impressed!

Best Grandpa of the year?
“Who can say they danced with their grandpa ON Stage. This is so memorable for both,” one person commented on the clip. “I was very close to my grandpa. He’s been gone 21 years. This brought me to tears. This little girl will cherish this,” another person wrote.

The comments that rolled in on this video just continue to get sweeter and sweeter, as viewers acknowledge how lucky Maeve is and sometimes even reminisce about their own experiences with their grandparents.

“That’s gonna be a treasure one for this little girl… Not just the dance but the words as well… Love this,” one person wrote. “I don’t know why, but I’m crying. Happy tears,” someone else said.

It’s a happy video (nothing sad about it!) but we can understand why it would be extremely moving for some. It is very sweet and special and everyone is right — the young girl will cherish this moment forever.
Check it out for yourself below.
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