Everyone knows some animals are more overprotective than others but do geese pop in your mind when thinking about protective animals? In this video, we see four geese follow and take care of the woman they think as their grandma, and they are probably the cutest, fiercest geese one sees.

Is it common for geese to be protective animals, especially regarding humans?
Geese are commonly known for being quite a bit more aggressive than other animals, but it’s not just because they’re mean. The reason geese tend to come off that way is because it means they are protecting their young. Actually, geese are known as one of the best guard animals because of their special qualities.

Farmers are known for having guard geese because of their alarming honks and protective nature, so it isn’t that uncommon for geese to become attached to humans. In this video, we four geese protect their grandma with all the fierceness geese are known for.

The way these geese guard their grandma is a sight to see
The video starts with grandma going on a lovely stroll with her loyal geese. When she stops, they stop, when she runs, they run or at last fly to catch up to her! You know these geese are on guard twenty-four-seven to protect their beloved grandma.

If grandma is going for a swim, you know these geese are in the water right alongside her. Grandma goes into detail on why the geese and she have such a strong bond and it’s so sweet how much the geese love grandma and she loves them.
“Three years ago, I wasn’t able to speak for three months after having a brain hemorrhage operation. But living with them makes me feel like I am in paradise, without any concerns in my life.”

These geese love their grandma so much, any person that approaches is a threat!
In the video, we see a man try to take a picture of grandma and her lovely geese, which the geese did not appreciate. They flew at him and made sure he knew grandma doesn’t want pictures! These geese don’t mess around.

Then again we see a lady walking her dog which the geese react almost the same way! The geese fly towards the woman and her dog and make sure they know that grandma is always protected. She’s definitely a lady with some tough guards.

Grandma knows they are way more protective when strangers are around and that it is quite perplexing. When grandma goes to work she knows she can count on her loyal geese to protect the house, and they even begin to try and kick the camera crew out! Talk about protective.

Grandma and her geese are so well known in the are, there is a street sign dedicated to them!
Of course, this special family needs a sign dedicated to them! We’re sure the people around also want to know when these protective geese are around for their own safety.

Grandma ends the interview saying,
“I just want to live happily ever after with my little friends.”
These geese will protect grandma forever and the relationship she has with the four geese is absolutely incredible to watch. We hope grandma and the guard geese live a long, protected life.

Check out this adorable video for yourself down below.
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