There’s nothing better than a family trip to the waterpark, especially when everybody gets involved. But by “everybody”, you probably wouldn’t include your 80-year-old grandma… would you?

Grandparents and a place of high activity don’t tend to mix. You could probably imagine your grandma reading a book under the shade of an umbrella or your grandad sitting for hours in the hot tub. But going down the waterslides? That’s probably a step too far!
Not for one Grandma, it wasn’t.

In a viral video, the 80-year-old unnamed super-gran is dressed in a floral swimsuit, her hair so far untouched as she stands at the mouth of a waterslide.
The girl behind her, who looks to be her granddaughter, gives her a quick tutorial on how to hold the waterproof camera (hey, it’s harder than it looks, you know) before she’s off.

She’s certainly keener than most 80-year-olds we know!
With a push off to get herself going, grandma descends the first drop, whooping and raising her free arm in the air – total freedom!

By the time she’s rounded the first corner, though, her “wheeee!” has changed to a “wh-OW!” as she experiences her first near-tip.
Waterslides are pretty fast, with a few sharp turns and drops, and it looks like nobody thought to warn this granny!

She’s clearly putting in the effort to stay upright – it gets harder as you get older – but this only adds to her fun, and she starts laughing like crazy.
By the time she’s nearly at the end of the slide, it looks as if the speed she’s traveling at has got the better of her.

Perhaps now’s the time she’s starting to regret her decision to get involved in the family fun.
The few random camera closeups of her swimsuit are priceless.

Her last screams of “Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my-” are cut off as she drops off the edge of the slide into a deep pool that fully submerges her.
For a moment, we’re treated to more random swimsuit close-ups, and it’s unclear which way is up.
Thankfully, Grandma manages to get back on her feet, though she’s looking a little more disheveled than the last time we saw her.

Though she’s spluttering a bit, and appears to have swallowed some water, she still says, “That was fun.”
When her granddaughter asks her, “How was it?” she excitedly says,
“It was so fast! I went so fast!”
Bless her – looks like it’s been a really long time since she’s done a waterslide. But we’re betting she returned to the slide a few more times during her trip to the waterpark, judging by how much she enjoyed her first experience.

If you think that grannies don’t know how to have fun, this video will make you think again.
Unsurprisingly, the clip was a YouTube hit, with more than 100,000 people tuning in to watch a granny’s reaction to a thrill ride.
No, not all 80-year-olds are up for waterslides, but there are plenty of ways you can have fun with your grandma. Bonus points if you do convince your granny to accompany you to a waterpark, though.
You can watch the hilarious video of one grandma living her best life below!
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