Grandma’s caught off guard when she sees twin granddaughters she’s never met at door
The woman hadn't had the chance to meet her grandbabies since they lived so far away. Needless to say, her reaction is heart melting.
Colby Maxwell

New babies in the family are always exciting news! People from all over celebrate through gifts, baby showers, and so much more. Sadly, it doesn’t always work out for some families, and getting together is hindered by distance.

For one family, they weren’t going to let anything separate them from letting their babies meet their grandparents… not even the Pacific Ocean!

Pexels - Jess Bailey Designs
Pexels - Jess Bailey Designs

In a video, we get to see a couple who flew 17 hours with twin babies in order to surprise their unsuspecting parents!


Alex and Paula are new parents who did something rather incredible. The story wraps around the entire world, but it all began with two little girls in New Zealand. A few years ago now, Alex and Paula had moved to New Zealand and settled down to start a family together. Sadly, that meant leaving their family in St. Louis, Missouri.

Soon, the couple found out they were pregnant with twins!

Pexels - Jonathan Borba
Pexels - Jonathan Borba

The couple was beyond excited, especially when they found out that they were having two little girls. While that may seem normal, it was actually a shock. The family hadn’t had baby girls in over 54 years. Well, now they were about to have two of them!

Instead of just telling the now-grandparents about their kids, the couple decided to do something amazing.

YouTube - goldpanpetedesign
YouTube - goldpanpetedesign

“My wife and I live in New Zealand. My family is in St. Louis, MO, USA. We had twin girls in 2013 and they were the first girls in our family for 54 years. When they were 6 months old, we took them to surprise their grandma in St. Louis. It was well worth the 17 hours of flying around the world!!” – goldpanpetedesign

Most parents would just Facetime their babies and show them off to their grandparents, but Alex and Paula had a different idea. Instead, they wanted to book a 17-hour flight and show up on their parents’ doorstep in St. Louis!

In their video, we see them arriving at their parents’ house at night.

YouTube - goldpanpetedesign
YouTube - goldpanpetedesign

Knocking on the door, they wait for their mom to walk around the corner. As soon as she does, it’s IMMEDIATELY a cry-fest! This poor grandma just had the people she loves the most in her life show up on her doorstep! Within moments she has both babies in her arms and is fulfilling her grandmotherly duties.

The surprise wasn’t spoiled and the fresh grandparents finally got to see their new grandkids.

YouTube - goldpanpetedesign
YouTube - goldpanpetedesign

Grandma wasn’t the only one to get in on the action, either! Soon, after a few hair pulls later, grandpa had his arms full as well. Carrying babies is a family affair, don’t ya know? Watching the video, you can feel the emotion in the room with how excited everyone is.

YouTube - goldpanpetedesign
YouTube - goldpanpetedesign

Making a 17-hour trip with two babies isn’t ever easy, but it was clearly worth it.

YouTube - goldpanpetedesign
YouTube - goldpanpetedesign

The two babies did well (as they explain in the video), but I’m sure that everyone is happy to be reunited. When you love your family, no trip is long enough to deter you. Now, these two little girls get to enjoy ALL the attention for the next few days!

Make sure you check out the video below – it’s so sweet!

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