What better way to restore your faith in humanity and people’s goodness than random acts of kindness?
For sure there is nothing better in the world than seeing people showing selfless love and generosity towards their fellow humans.
Every now and then we will listen to the news about Good Samaritans who choose to help people in need, not because they have something to gain in return, but because of the goodness of their heart. And it’s really those small acts of random kindness that can make a big difference in someone else’s life.

For those who know their Bible, they might remember this verse from 2 Corinthians 9:6-8:
“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Our story today might surprise you, or you might be among those who remember hearing about it on the news back in 2014. It happened in a food chain in Texas.
It was just a normal day for everyone working in the restaurant until this customer arrived and surprised everyone with his gesture.

As you can hear in the video by the employees working on that day everything was going like usual, cars were queueing to order food at the drive-through when this man arrived. The man ordered his food and when it came time to collect and pay for it, he stunned everyone in the restaurant to the point that all on-going operations seized.

The man not only paid for his food, but he gave 10 one-hundred bills to the cashier, telling her that he was paying the food for the whole line of cars behind him. Can you believe it?

Of course, everyone in the fast-food restaurant was left speechless by his kind gesture and for the next hour, this man had paid for all the meals ordered in that particular branch!
On that day, 88 people enjoyed free lunches due to that man’s generosity.

One of the employees present at the restaurant asked the Good Samaritan why he was doing this “extravagant” yet generous gesture, she even asked him if he had won the lottery, but the man surprised her with his answer.
He told her that Mondays can be tough and that he just wanted everyone to have a good day, just to make their day a little bit easier. What an altruistic person!

The reactions of the people who received their meal free of charge were even more emotional, with some of them in total disbelief and others not able to hide their elation.
The manager of the branch explained that there was even a woman who had been having a terrible day until that moment and when she heard about this man’s act of kindness, she just burst into tears!

It is really so gratifying to see that there are still people in this world that take a minute to consider someone else apart from themselves and they even go a step further, by sharing their good fortune with others. Let’s hope that wherever he is, this Good Samaritan is well and he keeps thriving.
If you would like to see the whole news report, check out the video below!
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