Introducing dogs to a new baby can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially for new parents. Parents want their dog babies to become best friends with their new human baby, but the outcome is for the most part out of their hands. For Chris Cardinal and his wife, the experience could not have had a better result.
These Golden Retrievers, Colby and Bleu, not only fell in love with their new sister Chloe, they also turned her into their own personal partner in crime!

Colby is no stranger to getting caught red-handed doing things he isn’t supposed to on video. Before Chloe was born, Colby had figured out how to open closed doors on all by herself through observing her humans. Colby and Bleu had been kept in their room with a video camera watching them. To their humans’ surprise, Colby had been caught opening the bathroom door on her own and it wasn’t long before Bleu decided to follow Colby into the newly opened room.

When it comes to food though, Colby and Bleu are savages! One could even say they behave like…well..animals. Colby and Bleu had fallen in love with Chloe when she was still very young, but when they realized that she could not only give them affection but could also be their new ally to access food, their love for her became deeper.
It was unintentional on Chloe’s part, but she earned their love for her by dropping food for them from her highchair.

Colby is no stranger to receiving treats from those close to her, and they know it too. Cardinal and his wife expect that every morning around 6 a.m. their dogs start to get hungry. They know this because they bark at Cardinal and his wife’s room to try and wake them up to be fed… Until one morning Cardinal and his wife were not forced awake by their dogs’ intense barking.
What they found on the other side of the door that morning was totally unexpected, their 15-month old daughter walking around with their two dogs!
Cardinal explains, “I think they figured they’d try the baby. They’ve snuck into her room before overnight once, but not for breakfast. (At the time, she wasn’t walking yet.) So, this is the first time it effected a prison break.”
Chloe’s door had even been closed the night before and she was not yet nearly big enough to open the door herself yet, so her parents were shocked! It was time to check the video footage to find out and assess what the real story was, It had all started at 6:05 a.m. while chloe was quietly sleeping behind a closed door…

It was only a few minutes before the parents had found the real culprits. Colby and her sidekick Bleu, opening the door and running straight to their food hero, baby Chloe.

These dogs run straight to Chloe and wake her up to find that she is more than happy to be woken up so suddenly. They then spoil her with all the love and kisses before running out of the room again, hoping she will follow. They did break into her room for a reason after all! And that reason is food. She is still waking up and does not follow, but stares out the door in the direction that they ran off. This is her idea of a perfect morning.
It only takes a second for Colby and Bleu to run back in and try to convince her to follow again!

This time Chloe gets the message and gets out of her bed, following the dogs out the door. She is not going to miss out on fun adventures with her best friends! She waddles right out the door and out of the camera frame. There is no doubt that she went and gave Chloe and Bleu any treats that she had access to!
Cardinal wants to make sure everyone knows that Colby and Bleu, “definitely knew what they were doing.”
These three are just the sweetest three partners-in-crime to have ever successfully completed a jailbreak! Watch the full escape video down below.
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