Acts of Kindness
Girl Wears Her Deceased Father's Oversized Boots
What do you think about this?
Ashley Fike

Every now and again, as Americans, we need to stop and reflect on the privilege of our freedom. There are men and women that fight for our freedom every single day — many of them never returning home to their families.

It’s easy to take our freedom for granted in our day to day lives. We tend to not think about it while we’re grocery shopping or taking the car in for an oil change. Although we really should.

Thousands of military personnel die a year to protect our freedom.


Unless you have a family member who is in the military, this is often not thought about. It’s usually out of sight, out of mind. Our mundane or routine days would be a godsend for those in war-ridden countries.

To those with family members in the military — it’s the hardest thing in the entire world when they get deployed overseas. The fear and anxiety are overwhelming. All you can think about is them returning home safely.

A woman in a grocery store was reminded how grateful she should be for her freedom — thanks to a little girl.

As the woman was walking around a grocery store, she noticed a little girl wearing big cowboy boots. They were huge for her tiny little body. The woman laughed and went about grabbing her items.

As she was checking out, she was in line behind the little girl and her mom. It was in the woman’s nature to strike up a conversation, so she decided to talk to the little girl. She told her that she liked her boots.

The little girl smiled and said they were her dad’s boots. It was his birthday but he had been killed in Afghanistan.


The girl’s mom began to cry, setting off a domino effect of tears. The woman began to cry and so did the cashier. Even the man behind the woman in line was moved by what he just overheard.

He handed her a cupcake from the dozen he was buying and told her to enjoy a cupcake on her dad’s birthday. He insisted she does that every year. He also let her know that her daddy was a hero and she should be proud to be his daughter.

The woman had to share her story on Facebook.

The post is incredibly moving and is a stark reminder to be so grateful for our men and women in service.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Facebook
