Acts of Kindness
Good Samaritan Returns Wallet To Girl Who Left It On Bus
This story is restoring my faith in humanity.
Ashley Fike

Watching the news these days can feel a bit depressing. It can feel like there’s so much bad in the world, and not enough good. But sometimes, you come across a story that instantly restores your faith in humanity.

This is one of those stories.

A woman named Stephanie Robertson-King shared a story on Facebook that has touched the hearts of thousands.

The post, shared by Love What Matters, has been shared over 6,500 times and has over 147,000 likes. After reading the touching story, it’s easy to see why.

Stephanie’s daughter called her dad in tears. She explained through her sobs that she had left her wallet on the bus. She was distraught, and her parents were upset for her.

She asked her parents if they thought her wallet would be returned her, they sadly explained that it was highly unlikely.

Soon after, there was a knock on the family’s front door. It was a young man that she didn’t recognize at all.

“Can I help you?” Stephanie asked the young man.

He responded that he was looking for AK.

“So, who are you,” she asked, even more skeptical than before.

It was at this moment that he told his story.

‘I found her wallet on the bus and wanted to return it. Everything is still in it, even the money. It happened to me a few weeks ago and I know how bad it feels.’


It turns out that the Good Samaritan was named Baxter Perkins and is 19-years-old. It turns out that he was the son of a co-worker of theirs! Such a small world.

The family was beyond impressed by his integrity and ended up giving the teen the $20 that was in the wallet as a thank you. It was the least they could do for his incredible honesty.

The Facebook post went viral and some people even thought the young man and the daughter would make a cute couple!


We need are so happy there are people like Baxter in the world. Pay it forward and share some random acts of kindness.

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