Older siblings watch their younger siblings grow up through pretty much all of the major life milestones. But not many older siblings are directly involved in the birth story of their little brother or sister. But 11-year old Shyanne Eck from Molalla, Oregon helped her mother deliver her little brother during a birth that came as a bit of a surprise.
Her mom had given birth before, so she thought she understood the signs.
The labor began two weeks before her due date, so she was surprised that it was happening. Given what she was experiencing at the moment, she thought she had more time to find a ride to the hospital. Turns out, she was wrong. Mom Jordan Eck tells KGW8:
“I thought I had a lot more time,” Eck said. “I thought I had at least hours at a minimum, not minutes.”

But, Eck started screaming with the pain in the middle of the night. The commotion woke her 11-year old daughter up.
Shyanne woke up and had to help her mother.
First things first, Shyanne knew to call 911. She told them what was going on, but it was evident that help would not get to the family’s house in time. Shyanne and her mother Jordan went to the bathroom in their home and Jordan laid down to prepare for delivery.

Although it was intimidating to participate in an unplanned home birth, Shyanne had good perspective. She tells KPTV:
“At the moment I was just thinking I need to be, I was kind of like shocked, but at the same time I was like, well I need to be here for my mom”
With no EMTs or medical professionals to help at all, Shyanne helped her mother through the birth of her baby brother.

The experience must have made quite the impression. 911 stayed on the phone to help guide Shyanne through the birth process and help her out with exactly what to do. Shyanne described the scene, and her role in the birth, in detail. She shared with KGW8:
“His head, the first push, his head was kind of there and then my mom pushed and his head came out…His neck was in there and by the second push, I grabbed his shoulders and he came out.”

Eventually, paramedics arrived. Since Shyanne had already helped with the biggest part of the night, they took Jordan to the hospital for a simple check-up.

When the EMTs showed up to the Eck family’s house, all there was left to do was cut the umbilical cord. They did that, and then took mom and baby to the hospital to check on her condition.

Astonishingly, mother and the new baby, named Kobe, were both healthy and well. There were no complications from the hasty birth, and Jordan called the experience “very easy.”
Shyanne’s mother was not surprised that her daughter handled the experience so well.

This proud mom always knew that her daughter would be able to handle something like this. She says:
“This is who she is…She’s an extreme person. She’s ready for life and she’s always been like this.”

Having experienced this special birth will certainly make Shyanne and her little brother, Kobe much closer.

Sometimes, older siblings are allowed in the delivery room for a baby’s birth. But they are very rarely a part of the labor process. The fact that Shyanne participated in bringing Kobe into the world will bond them for life, and will make a great story in the future too.
Learn more about this incredible story in the video below!
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